Dreamon God

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Hi, back to the angst.

This is a Dreamon/Dream God idea that was generously shared by Hail_fucking_Hydra Honestly at this point I could just hand my account over. She provides half the ideas, they're literally an amazing writer and idea plug. Seriously look at their story on AO3 called A Gods Blessing, same username.

Anyway, IRL. Enjoy!

TW: Demons and Gods, Explosions, Death.

The entire world breathed a sigh of relief. Dream was caught and put in prison.

The festival wasn't able to kill him, but they were able to detain him. Dream wasn't necessarily the person Sam had intended it for, but he somehow made it with him in mind anyway.

The entire SMP stood in awe peering into Dream's cell. George and Sapnap stood hand in hand. Karl, Sam, and Purpled behind them. George's heart fell in pieces, Sapnap's roared in angry fire. Dream was there for them, and they were there for him, but he still abandoned them in the end.

Tommy stood with Tubbo, Ghostbur, Technoblade, Ranboo, and Quackity. Triumph burned within him. Revenge, at last.

Badboyhalo, Skeppy, and Antfrost stood next to their group, feeling nearly as betrayed as George and Sapnap.

Thunder, Lazar, Puffy, Alyssa, and Callahan were lined up next, not quite sure what to believe. Betrayal and confusion mixed in the air throughout them.

The whole prison held a thick, indescribable air of feeling. Feeling and apathy. It was thick, heavy, suffocating. Everyone stood their in silence, emotion mixing with emptiness. No one knew what to say.

Dream began to cackle. He laughed loud and hard, he doubled over and then tripled. He began to wheeze and sputter. Unearthly cackles sliced through the souls of the spectators. Everyone froze, unaware of what to do.

Sam spoke up, "Why are you laughing. This prison is inescapable. There is no way you can break out. You're here forever. There's no escaping, Dream."

Dreams laughter only intensified. He wiped tears from the corners of his eyes. "You think you can contain me? I am a GOD! I BUILT THIS WORLD! BRICK BY BRICK. I PLACED EACH BLADE OF GRASS AND PLANTED EACH TREE. I AM GOD! You puny mortals know nothing compared to me. I am everything and you are nothing. I am the dreams and nightmares that haunt you at night. I am the fantasies you never carried out. I am the monster you never slayed. I am GOD! YOU CAN'T CONTAIN ME!"

A voice spoke up from the crowd below. "Isn't Technoblade a god?"

Dreams eyes boiled with rage. He balled his fists. Had he gotten bigger?

"Your beloved Technoblade is no more than a mere demigod. A half god, half pig hybrid doesn't stand a chance against me," Dream spat. "None of you do and you know it. I am the universe. I put you all here and I can take you all out with the snap of my fingers. You're being foolish to think that anyone can even attempt to put me in shackles. YOU CANNOT BIND ME!"

Dream got eerily calm for a moment. "You can't contain infinity, people, you cant contain what goes beyond existence."

"We can contain you. Look at you! We've got you here," Tommy shouted. "Keeping you here can't be much of an issue."

"Ooooh," Dream laughed. "Oh-hoh. You scumbags, you insignificant little cockroaches" -Dream's voice began to change, distort into something unearthly and twisted- "you disgusting excuses for existence."

A darkness began to grow in Dream's eyes.

"You little dust mites, may you forever regret and forget everything you've ever done to me. I may have been pulling the strings, molding you all to fit my plans, but that's because I can. You should know, people with power, children, they can do whatever they want. And I can do whatever I want."

Fire burned in Dream's eyes. A bright, endless fire. He was flying now as well, his hair floated around his head and a slight glow illuminated Dream's hovering body. "YOU FOOLS! I WILL REIGN HELLFIRE ON EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!"

A bright flash of white light passed through everyone. And suddenly there was nothing.


A large group of people woke up in an empty forest, surrounded by oak trees and a pond close by. Birds chirped and animals grazed nearby.

All anyone seemed to remember was their names.

They wandered around, curious as to what everything was and where they were. If there was anyone who could help out.

A man clad in a green sweatshirt and ripped black jeans came out from behind one of the trees. A white smiley mask covered his entire face and only tufts of dirty blonde hair could be seen from around it. He got the attention of the confused people and assured them all everything would be okay.

"Guys, relax, I'm a local, you could say. We don't have much, and things need to be built, but i'm sure now that you're here, we can get things done faster! Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. Hi, welcome to earth, my name is Dream."

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