Geheime Freiheit

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Omg the first bit has 93 reads! I'm so happy everyone liked it! I hope you are enjoying these next few as much as the first. If there are any ideas you have that you would like to see me write about please don't hesitate to contact me!

For today's story, we have an alternative ending to the most recent large smp events, meaning the festival. I know i write wayyy too much of this stuff but this will really be all fluff. I hope you enjoy today's story!

This is done in real life, again, as i feel like it adds more emotion because nothing is pixel, it's all real, and no shipping is done in this chapter. No trigger warnings today either.


The sun rose over the horizon and the gentle glow slowly lifted Tommy out of a sleepy haze. The bright colors painted across the sky shifted and swam around one another as if they were playing tag, blindly trying to avoid one another but clashing in a beautifully innocent work of art.

In a moment that seemed to last forever, Tommy completely forgot about everything that had happened. He breathed and let himself be calm for a single moment. He hadn't noticed Tubbo and Nihachu wake up and join him on the hillside.

The crisp morning breeze blew across their faces adding a pale blush to their cheeks and noses. Nihachu's hair blew around her face like soft comforting hands telling her everything was going to be alright.

Nihachu put her head down on Tommy's shoulder and Tubbo followed suit. Tommy wasn't used to physical affection, but even so, he put his arms around them protectively. The trio sat there until long after the sun had risen and taken its steady place in the sky.

"Where do we go now?" Nihachu asked softly.

"Anywhere." Tubbo's voice was full of hope, as if their lives had just started a brand new chapter. A new chapter where everything was in their past. This was their sunrise.

"Not anywhere. We can't go back to where we used to be. Pogtopia or Manburg. But we can make a small place. For the three of us," Tommy suggested.

"That would be pretty Pog." Tubbo clapped.

"Yeah," Nihachu giggled. "It would be."

"Can we have bees?" Tubbo asked.

Tommy sighed with content, "Yes, Tubbo, we can have bees."

Tubbo smiled and nodded.

"We can have horses, and a nice warm bakery." Nihachu stared off into the horizon imagining the yummy foods she would make again, this time for her family.

"And we can have potato farms that Technoblade would be jealous of. Oh! And I can raise a Henry Jr." Tommy added.

Their new place was sounding better and better by the minute.

"We can make it far away from all of this," Tommy motioned behind them. "Far away from dictatorship and Tyranny. Far from anything that can harm us."

"Yeah! It's going to be great," Tubbo laughed. Images of their peaceful land danced in his head, filling his mind with delight.

"We shouldn't say anything though, unless we want history to repeat itself," Nihachu added.

Tommy nodded solemnly. "We will keep it a secret. We can call it... erm, what should we call it."

"Geheime Freiheit." Nihachu offered. "Secret Freedom."

"Oh it's wonderful," Tubbo breathed.

"It is pretty Pog Champ." Tommy laughed.

The three set off on their long journey to go find a place to finally create what would hopefully be the place they had always wanted to make. What L'manburg should have been and what Pogtopia failed to be. A place of freedom and democracy and peace. They were going to make their secret freedom and soon enough, when everything was stable, they would share it. But for now, they set to work creating their Geheime Freiheit.

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