Deadly Double Love 21

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“Well I’m going to assume she didn’t really like your mom, I mean, why would she?” Scott said. “She probably despised your mom actually, for being alive when her mom was dead. And she probably thought it was unfair that you still had a mom when she didn’t. And so she killed, I mean kidnapped your mom so neither of you would have a mother.”

“Oh my gosh,” I breathed. “You’re right, you’re right! She kidnapped my mom to make me feel like crap after I treated her like crap! This is all my fault!”

“Okay, calm down,” Scott instructed. “I never said that she took your mom for sure, only that she had a motive to.”

“But now that you said that she had a motive it all makes sense! She had to have kidnapped my mom!” I exclaimed.

“What all makes sense now?” Scott asked.

“Well just a little bit ago when we said we were going to find the kidnapper, she told us not to like she was scared that we would! And I remember about my mom being missing she took off as soon as the policeman left to go hang out with her boyfriend! She’s guilty! She has to be guilty!”

“Well I have to say that those things sound suspicious, but it doesn’t mean that she was the one who kidnapped your mom for sure,” Scott said.

“But who else would it be?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” he told me. “It could be anyone, really.”

“Well anyone on he list,” I said.

“What list?”

“The list of people who’s DNA was found in my house,” I explained. “But they aren’t suspects because their DNA would be suspected to be in my house.”

“Like who?” Scott questioned.

“Me, my dad, Addie, my dad’s coworkers, Addie’s friends and boyfriend.”

“So everyone on that list is someone that could have done it,” he said.

“Not everyone,” I objected.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Well I didn’t do it!”

“Well then everyone besides you,” he said with a smile.

“But I still think it was Addie,” I told him.

“Well I do think that the people who live here- besides you of course- are most likely to have kidnapped your mom.”

“Wait,” I said. “Do you think that my dad might have done it?”

“I’m just saying it’s more likely that he did it than some of the other people on the list,” Scott explained.

“Because he’s been acting kind of weird too,” I told him.

“But he doesn’t have a motive. At least I don’t think he does,” Scott said.

“Yeah, you’re probably right. I don’t think he has a motive. I mean, he already lost one of his wives, why would he want to loose the other?”

“So right now Addie is our prime suspect, then?” Scott asked.


“Okay. So what do we do now?” he inquired.

“We investigate.”

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