Deadly Double Love 32

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After about ten minutes of Rory telling Addie how sorry he was and how much he loved her, he realized that we were still there.

“How about this, Ad,” he said. “You just point the gun at that one.” He pointed to Scott.

Addie looked unsure.

“He’s not family, is he?” Rory asked.

“No,” she replied. “I guess I could do that.”

She took the gun with shaky hands and pointed it right at Scott. She looked terrified.

Rory then started walking towards me, the bag full of chains in hand. When he approached me he kneeled down and leaned in so his mouth was right next to my ear.

“There might not be any gun pointed at you, but if you try anything, Addie will pull the trigger on you boyfriend,” he said, his breath hot in my ear.

My eyes widened as fear coursed through my veins. Rory leaned back smiled cruelly.

“We wouldn’t want Scott to die, now would we?” he said.

“Please,” I whispered. “Don’t.”

“Don’t try anything, and your precious boyfriend will live,” he told me. “For now.”

Then Rory pulled a long chain out of the bag as well as a pair of handcuffs. I screwed my eyes shut as he roughly clamped the handcuff onto my wrists. He then somehow attached the long chain to the small piece of metal that held the handcuffs together. I didn’t watch as he fastened the other end of the chain to a pole that ran from the floor to the ceiling.

After I was securely bound, Rory stood up and walked over to Scott.

“You can put the gun down now, babe,” he said to Addie. “I don’t think your dad is able to run, even if he wanted to.”

Addie stole a glimpse at our dad who was lying on the floor, clutching his leg. He looked awful.

I couldn’t bear to look as Rory chained Scott and my dad to the same pole was chained to. Finally, we were all secured to the one pole. Rory smiled at his handiwork.

“Let’s go,” he said to Addie, grabbing her hand. They walked out of the building and Rory started talking to Addie about what movie he wanted to watch when they got home. It was like he didn’t even care that he had just chained us all up. Addie told Rory about a movie she’d seen a while ago and would love to see again, but just as they passed through the doorway, she glanced back at us with tears in her eyes.

“I’m sorry,” she mouthed.

I didn’t know how to reply, so I looked away.

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