Deadly Double Love 17

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“I told you she left on her own,” my dad said in a voice that made me want to slap him.

“No.” My voice was firm.

“Didn’t you hear the policeman, Kitty?”

“Yes, I did. Did you?”

“Of course I did.”

“Oh, really? ‘Cause I’m pretty sure he said that someone on the list could have taken her!” I yelled.

“She left,” he said.

“No, she didn’t!”

“She left,” he repeated, his face red and angry. “End of discussion.”

“Go to hell!” I spat.

I fled to my room and slammed the door behind me. I couldn’t believe that my own father, my mom’s husband, thought that my mom left by herself! How could he think that? Didn’t he love her? Didn’t he think that she didn’t want to leave us? Didn’t he have any hope at all that she still loved us?

No matter what he thought, I knew she would never leave. It had to be someone else that took her, it had to be. And I needed to know who.

At that moment I decided that I would find out who took her. I would somehow find out who took my mom away from me. I had to. I didn’t know how I would do yet, but I was pretty sure I would need help.

I dug around in my backpack until I found my cell phone. I pulled it, flipped it open, and pressed the power button. As soon as it turned on I dialed the area code and then stopped. I realized I didn’t know what to dial next. I didn’t know Scott’s number.

Needing to see him, I got up and pulled on a sweater and a hat so I wouldn’t be cold when I walked to his house. Before I left, I glanced out the window and then hesitated. It was pitch black outside. I wasn’t sure if I could find my way with it light outside, let alone darkness.

I was torn. On one hand, I felt like I had to start working to figure out who took my mom right this minute, but on the other hand I felt like it wouldn’t help for me to get lost in the darkness. But I had to try to find Scott’s house. But maybe it was too late to go over; maybe his parents would be angry.

My head started hurt and I sat down on my bed to try and think. But I couldn’t think, my head felt clouded and heavy. After a few minutes of attempting to think, I realized that if I couldn’t even think clearly, then there was no way I could find my way to Scott’s in the dark.

Pulling off my hat and sweater, I lay down in my bed and closed my eyes. As I drifted off to sleep I promised myself I would go to Scott’s in the morning.


sorry it took so long and isn't very good, but i am having MAJOR writers block :( i know what is going to happen later in the book, but that can't happen yet so i need to figure out what to write in between now and the later chapters. thanks for still reading even though this chapter is kind of a fail

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