Deadly Double Love 15

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All of my breath whooshed out of me, like I’d been punched in the stomach. My mom couldn’t be missing; there was no way. I mean, I had just seen her…  when? When had I least seen my mom? The last memory I had of her was when we’d had that dinner without Addie. And that had been almost a month ago!

 I began to feel the same way I had felt that day I had passed out and quickly took a seat and put my head between my knees. Slowly, the feeling faded, but I didn’t move. I couldn’t.

Suddenly a feeling of guilt came over me. It was my fault she was missing, completely my fault. I had been so absorbed in my problems that I had forgotten her. I hadn’t even seen her for almost a month. How could I have been so selfish?

“We aren’t sure how long she’s been gone for, and if she left voluntarily or not, but we are going to find out as soon as possible,” the police officer said, interrupting my thoughts.

“When you say, ‘whether she left voluntarily or not’ what do you mean?” my dad asked.

“Well it’s unclear if she ran away by her own choice or she was taken out of here by someone against her will.”

“I’m pretty sure she left on her own,” my dad told him. “She was dealing with a lot of problems and probably just wanted to get away.”

“She wouldn’t leave,” I said. “She wouldn’t leave me.”

“You don’t know that, Kitty. She had a lot of problems.” My dad spoke to me like I was a little kid.

“No,” I corrected him, “You have a lot of problems. Mom was fine, she was just fine! And then you just came out and told us about your other wife and kid! It was your problem that she was dealing with, not hers!”

“Kitty, let’s discuss this later,” he said through clenched teeth.

“Why?” I asked, taunting him. “Am I embarrassing you?”

“Kaetlyn, you need to shut your mouth,” he hissed.

“Is there a problem, sir?” the policeman asked.

“No.” My dad’s answer was short and firm, almost angry.

“Alright then. We’re all going to leave then and we will contact you as soon as the results from the lab testing get back. Then we will know if there was anyone in this house that wasn’t supposed to be here that abducted your wife.”

My dad smiled at him in thanks, but it was forced. I could tell.

After about ten minutes, all of the police officers had left and Addie had also left to hang out with Rory. It was just my dad and me. I looked over at him and could immediately tell that he was angry. I didn’t want to be around him while he was this angry, so I got up and started walking away.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked in a menacing voice.

“Upstairs,” I replied.

“I don’t think so,” he said. “Come here.”


“You get your butt over here right this instant or I swear, you’ll be sorry.”

“No,” I repeated.

He rose from his chair and started towards me, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

“Stay away from me!” I wanted to sound loud and angry, but my voice quavered, exposing my true fear. I had never seen him like this before and I was scared.

He quickly reached me and pinned me to the wall with one arm.

“You better keep your big mouth shut, Kitty.” His words were angry, but laced with fear. I didn’t know what he had to be scared about, but I didn’t dwell on that thought because I was so scared.

“I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” My voice shook. “I promise I’ll shut up, I swear.”

“You’d better be.”

He released me from between the wall and his arm and I quickly fled to my room. Once I had shut and locked the door I fell to the floor and cried. I was terrified of what had just occurred. My dad might have ignored me for a long time once his other daughter had come to live with us, but he had never been so scary. He had never done anything like that to me, or anyone else for that matter, before.

But I decided that it was a one-time thing; it would never happen again. He was just stressed because my mom had disappeared. I told myself that he didn’t mean to scare me.

I told myself all sorts of things, but in the end, I sort of knew that I was lying. 

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