Deadly Double Love 10

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My eyelids fluttered open and I looked around. I was in the nurse’s office, lying down on a bed. I used my elbows to push myself into a sitting position. The nurse saw me sitting up and rushed to my side.

“How are you feeling, dear?” she asked.

“What happened?” I asked, disregarding her question.

“You fainted, dear,” she told me. “Tell me, sweetie, have you eaten today?”

“Yes,” I lied, my voice cracking.

She looked at me sternly. “Tell me the truth, honey. When was the last time you ate?”

“At lunch,” I lied again.

She sighed. “I think you need to eat something.”

“Really, I’m fine. I just ate.”

She ignored me and walked over to the counter. She plunged her pudgy hand into a pretzel container and pulled out a handful of them. She walked back to me and held out the pretzels.

“I’m not hungry,” I insisted.

She dropped the pretzels in my lap. “I don’t care if you just ate a cow; you fainted and so now you need something to eat.”

I looked at the pretzels scattered over my lap and my heart began beating faster. I couldn’t eat them, I just couldn’t. It would destroy me. I would eat one, and then want more and more and before I knew it I would be shoving them in my mouth by the handful.

“I’m not leaving your side until you eat at least one,” she informed me.

I hesitantly picked up one pretzel and nibbled a corner. I looked at her.

“Finish it,” she commanded.

I pushed the entire thing in at once and the flavor of salt filled my mouth, but I didn’t chew it. The nurse didn’t notice I wasn’t actually eating; she just smiled and walked away. As soon as she was gone I spit out the pretzel even though all I wanted to do was eat it. I spotted tissues by the side of the bed and wrapped the soggy pretzel up in one and stuffed it in my pocket along with a few more.

In a few minutes the nurse returned and saw that about five more pretzels were gone and she smiled. “Don’t you feel better now, sweetie?” she asked.

“Yes,” I lied. I felt just as bad as I had before.

“You can go now, if you’re okay,” she told me, handing me a pass to go to my next class.

I snatched the pass and headed out of the infirmary. 


It's a little short but hopefully good! :)

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