Deadly Double Love 26

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I pushed open my bedroom door and walked down the stairs into the kitchen. Scott followed behind me with a somber look of his face. I felt a twinge of guilt for being so mean to him when he was only trying to help. I wanted to apologize, but I didn’t know what to say. Instead, I stared at the floor as we headed towards Addie.

She was sitting at the table munching on potato chips as she texted someone. She had her ear buds in her ears with the volume turned up so loud I could tell what song she was listening to. Scott and I stood across the table from her until she finally looked up at us.

“Can I help you?” she asked as she pulled out her ear buds. Her tone made it clear that she was annoyed that we had interrupted her.

“We have to talk to you,” I said.

“Ask you a few questions,” Scott added.

“Why?” Addie questioned.

“Can we just go to your room so we have some privacy?”

“Fine,” she sighed.

We all walked to Addie’s room and then closed the door behind us. Addie sat on her bed, but Scott and I remained standing.

“What’s this about?” she asked.

“I think you know,” I replied.

“What are you talking about?” She sounded confused, but I couldn’t tell if she was faking it or not.

“It’s about my mom,” I told her. “We know you did it.”

“Did what?”

“Kidnapped her!” I yelled, frustrated that she kept pretending to be confused.

“You’re ridiculous,” she said. “I didn’t kidnap your mom.”

“We know it was you!” I replied, picking up her diary that was still right where I’d dropped it hours ago.

“No,” she protested. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“‘Sometimes I wish that she would just disappear!’” I read from her little black journal.

“Where did you get my diary?” she asked, outraged.

“Never mind that,” I said. “Just admit that you did it!”

“I did not kidnap your mom!” she shouted, snatching her diary from my hands. “You are both mental if you think I would do anything to her! Maybe I wrote something in my diary that seems incriminating, but I’m not a bad person! I would never do something like that! I was just as shocked as you were when she disappeared!”

I didn’t know how to reply.

“Just leave me alone!” she said, sounding like she might start to cry.

Scott and I turned away from her and walked out. I closed the door behind us and looked up at Scott. He looked just as confused as I felt.

I didn’t know if I could believe Addie or not. She sounded so sincere when she had told us that it wasn’t her, but maybe she was just a fantastic liar. I didn’t want to believe that she was innocent, but maybe she was. I didn’t know.

Scott opened his arms and I fell into them.

“We will figure out who did this,” he murmured into my hair.

Scott sounded so sure of what he was saying, but I just didn’t know what to believe anymore.

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