Deadly Double Love 23

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My hands began to shake so badly that I dropped the diary and it fell to the carpeted floor with a muted thump.

“She kidnapped my mom!” I screamed, not able to control myself. “How could she do that? She’s my sister!”

“Okay, Kitty,” Scott said. “You have to calm down.”

“Do not tell me to calm down!” I yelled.

“I know that you must be shocked that your sister killed your mom, but getting this angry isn’t going to help anything,” he told me.

“You think my mom’s dead,” I whispered.

“No, it just slipped out, Kitty. I didn’t mean it!” he said.

“Don’t lie to me! Everyone has just been lying to me! Don’t lie to me, Scott!”

“I just think that it’s a possibility,” he admitted.

“My mom isn’t dead! She loves me and she would stay strong for me! She would stay alive!”

“You have to know that it’s possible,” he told me.

“No!” I yelled before turning and running up the stairs.

“Kitty!” he called. “I’m sorry!”

I ignored him dashed into my room, twisting the lock behind me so he couldn’t come in. I felt crushed inside because Scott thought my mom was dead. I felt like someone had stomped on my heart with cleats. I had so much pain inside and I knew there was only one thing I could do to forget it. I ran over to my desk and grasped my scissors in my sweaty palm. I sliced into my wrist and blood immediately poured from the wound. I felt relieved until my head started to spin and I realized that I had cut too deep.

“I’m sorry!” Scott yelled.

My legs wobbled beneath me and then gave out.

“I didn’t mean to say that!” he said as he bounded up the stairs.

I lay on the floor without enough strength to move.

“Please open the door so we can talk,” he begged from right outside the door.

I watched helplessly as the blood from my arm stained my carpet a dark crimson.

“Kitty?” he said, starting to sound a little worried. “Are you okay?”

“Help,” I called out to him, but it was too late. My voice was weak and quiet, hardly even a whisper. There was no way that Scott could hear me.

“Kitty!” he yelled, starting to panic.

I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t say anything.

“Kitty!” His voice was saturated with fear.

The world started to fade.

Suddenly there was a loud noise as Scott slammed his body into the door, trying to break it down.

Then everything went black.

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