Deadly Double Love

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“Kitty,” I heard, “Kitty.”

“Hmmmm,” I replied sleepily, pulling my comforter more tightly around me.

“Kitty, it’s time to wake up.”

“In a little bit,” I murmured.

“Kitty, it’s 9 o’clock.”

“Crap, are you serious?” I said as I struggled to free myself from the tangled mess of sheets.

“Yep,” my mom said, “But you lucked out today, you won’t be late. There’s a two hour delay because it snowed last night.”

“Ew, I hate snow,” I muttered as I stumbled into my bathroom.

“I’m making pancakes,” my mom called from my room. “They’ll be ready when you come down.”

“Okay, I’ll be down in like ten minutes,” I yelled.

After I showered, I pulled on the clothes I laid out last night and started to comb out my tangled hair. After I finally wrestled all of the knots out, I clipped back my side bangs so they wouldn’t be in my face all day. When I reached for my glasses, they weren’t on my nightstand like they were supposed to be so I got on my hands and knees and crawled under my bed. Just as I spotted them, the phone rang and I tried to stand up, bumping my head on the bottom of my bed. I cursed and crawled out from under my bed after grabbing my glasses. Shoving my glasses on, I ran towards the phone to pick it up before the caller hung up.

“Hello?” I said breathlessly to the other person on the line.

“Hi, I’m calling to inform you that Cara Davidson has recently passed away,” the woman on the other line said.

“I think you have the wrong number,” I told her, “I don’t know a Cara Davidson.”

“Oh my, well I’m very sorry to have inconvenienced you,” she apologized.

“It’s alri-” I started to tell her, but was cut off when she hung up.

I put down the phone and went downstairs for breakfast. I ate few chocolate chip pancake drowned in syrup, but I wasn’t really hungry. Just as I was dumping the remains of my second pancake, I heard my dad coming down the stairs.

“Hey Kitty,” he said.

“Hey Dad,” I replied. “There are pancakes for breakfast.”

“Do they have chocolate chips?”



He put his briefcase on the floor and piled a plate high with pancakes. Just as he started to soak his pancakes in syrup, the phone rang. He dropped his fork and picked up the phone.

“Hello? Yes, this is he. Um, yes, could you hold on for a minute.”

He pushed away from the table and headed towards his office.

“Dad, where are you going?”

He ignored me and continued walking.

“Dad, I need you to drive me to school in five minutes!”

He just kept walking and so I went upstairs to brush my teeth before leaving. Then I gathered up my books and struggled to fit them all in my backpack. Just as I was shoving my math textbook in, I heard a rip and looked down to see the zipper tear away from the rest of the bag.

“Oh no, no, no, please don’t let this happen now!” I cried as I glanced nervously at my watch, only to find it was time to leave. I grabbed up my bag and dashed down the stairs. “Dad!” I called as I rushed towards the front door. “Let’s go!!” When I received no answer I realized he was still ignoring me for some reason, which meant today I’d have to ride the bus. I peeked out the window, only to see the bus approaching my stop. I threw the door open and sped towards the bus, yelling at it to please wait for me. Finally, the bus driver heard me and stopped the bus so I could get on.

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