Deadly Double Love 2

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Suddenly the awful beeping noise of my stupid alarm clock jerked me from my deep sleep. I looked at the clock and discovered that it was already 6:30 and time to get up. I stumbled out of the bed and into the bathroom, exhausted as if I had only gotten a few minutes of sleep. After a hot shower, I put my glasses on and rummaged through my closet for something to wear to school. I finally settled on my old torn up comfy jeans and a faded t-shirt that was getting a little too tight, but that I loved too much to stop wearing. When I finally finished combing out my tangled blond hair, I braided it and then looked at myself in the mirror. I looked alright, I supposed, but I’d never been a fashion genius or anything.

After brushing my teeth, I grabbed an old blue backpack from the floor of my closet and transferred all of my books to it from my ripped one. Glancing at my watch I decided to skip breakfast and head out to the bus stop to ensure I wouldn’t miss it since my dad couldn’t drive me. As I stepped out onto the grass, which was still covered in a light dusting of snow, I wished I had worn a coat or a sweater. But, as I contemplated rushing inside to grab one, I saw the bus coming. I smiled anticipating the heat inside the bus, but when I climbed on I shivered because it was just as cold in the bus as it was outside. I sat down in an empty seat and silently cursed at my luck of having probably the only bus driver that didn’t turn on the heat.

My teeth chattered the whole way to school, and it didn’t help that one insane kid decided to open his window causing the frigid air from outside to chill me further. When we at last pulled into the school parking lot, I raced off the bus and into the blissfully warm building. I headed straight to my homeroom and took a seat in the back of the room next to no one. Not because I didn’t want to sit next to anyone, but because I didn’t have anyone to sit next to. I didn’t really have friends at school. I’m sure I could have made friends if I wasn’t so socially awkward. I just didn’t know how to really talk to new people. So I was sort of a loner. No one talked to me, and I was much too shy to attempt to talk to someone. Sometimes I wished I had a sister so I could have at least one friend who I was really close with, but my dad said he’s glad it’s just me, him, and my mom. He said things would be too complicated if we had another kid.

When the bell rang I jumped out of my seat and rushed out the door and to my class since we only had two minutes to get from class to class. The bell rang again right as I sat down in Social Studies, once again next to no one. I diligently took notes while my teacher lectured us on politics.

The next few classes were fairly uneventful as well, and as I headed to lunch my stomach rumbled because I had missed breakfast. I hoped that the cafeteria hadn’t run out of cheeseburgers yet, but they probably had because that’s what pretty much everyone ordered. Our school had the best cheeseburgers in the world. I started to walk a little faster and I turned my head to see if the lunch line was long and crashed into someone. I fell down, hitting my head on the floor and then looked up to see if the other person had fallen too, only to find myself looking straight at Rory Clark, my longtime crush. Immediately, I scrambled to my feet.

“Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there,” he said.

“I- it’s- I mean, me too, I’m sorry too. I didn’t see you either, not that I didn’t want to see you, I mean, I- it’s just that…” I stopped, aware that I sounded like an idiot.

“Are you okay? Maybe I should take you to the nurse. You sound like you might have hit your head pretty hard.”

“No, that’s okay, I’m fine, completely normal, just like always. I mean, I’m not always like falling and stuff and, um…” My face got red hot. “I should go,” I mumbled as I sprinted away. As soon as I was out of his sight I leaned against a row of lockers and cursed at myself for acting so stupid. Now there was absolutely no chance that he would ever like me. Not like I thought there was a big chance before, because he was a senior and he would never go for a junior girl, especially a dorky loner like me. He was really popular and cute and every girl liked him, but he was single. He probably didn’t even know my name.

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