Deadly Double Love 4

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By the time we pulled into the school parking lot, my dad and Addie were into an extremely intense debate about something I could care less about while I sat quietly in the back seat. I started to open my car door when my dad said, “Kitty, make sure you help out Addie today.”

“What?” I said, in complete shock. I guess I had just assumed I could ignore her all day.

“It’s her first day here, so make sure she feels comfortable.”

“But we probably don’t even have any classes together, so won’t be able to help her.”

“Oh no, when I called in to get Addie a schedule, the guidance councilor just thought it would be easiest to give her the exact same schedule as you.”

“What?!” I cried, forgetting about being nice.

“You heard me. This way Addie will never be alone.”

I didn’t reply- I just couldn’t. I felt like I was going to throw up.

“Do you understand, Kitty?”

“Yes,” I managed to choke out.

“Fantastic,” he said. “Have a great first day, Addie.”

Addie smiled and got out of the car. I waited for him to tell me to have a great day too, but he didn’t. I felt even more awful as I followed Addie towards the building.

We said nothing to each other the entire walk to the door. Once we were inside, Addie followed me to my locker and I discovered that her locker was six lockers down from mine. At least they weren’t right next to each other.

I twisted the lock and pulled open the door to my locker. I shoved in my math textbook the best I could, but it still looked like it might fall. Just as I was about to fix it, I heard an unfamiliar voice behind me.

“Kaetlyn, could you help me open my locker? I can’t get it.”

I spun around and was shocked to see it was Addie who was talking to me. She had a really pretty voice to go along with the rest of her pretty little self. It made me angry, for some reason, that she looked so perfect and beautiful and she was asking me for help.

“My name is Kitty,” I snapped as I snatched the piece of paper that held her combination. I walked to her locker and swiftly spun the lock and puller her locker open. I headed back to my locker before she could thank me, not that I thought she was nice enough to thank me. I was rearranging the position of my math book in hope that it wouldn’t fall when I heard someone walk up behind me. I looked over my shoulder and my jaw almost dropped as I saw who was there. It was Rory Clark and he was walking towards me!

“Hey, Kitty,” he said, flashing a dazzling white smile.

“H-hey,” I stammered back.

“So, I was wondering…” he started.

OH MY GOSH! Was he about to ask me out? I was so excited I could hardly stand it. The guy I’d been crushing on since freshman year finally liked me back!

“Do you know the new girl over there?” he finished.

My heart dropped as I realized he was not going to ask me out. If he was going to ask anyone, it was Addie. He didn’t care about me at all; he was only talking to me because he wanted to know about Addie. I felt like I was going to cry as I replied, “Yeah.”

“Oh really?” he said. “How do you know her?”

I suddenly realized I was not prepared to tell people how Addie and I knew each other. I certainly couldn’t tell anyone we were half-sisters because my dad had cheated on my mom. I had to come up with something, and fast.

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