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3rd person POV

Richie is lying in the hammock, bored as fuck, re-reading a comic. He's the only one in the underground clubhouse, or at least he was.
"Oh, hey Rich!" Eddie says as he descends the ladder into the clubhouse.
"Spaghetti! I thought I was the only one who could actually be bothered to get up today," Richie laughs, chucking his comic down on the floor.
"You wish," Eddie teases, "Shift over."

Richie bends his knees so he's only taking half of the hammock, and Eddie lifts himself into the other side.

Eddie glances at Richie, and thinks he looks stunning. His soft hair falls carelessly into his face as he smiles, and Eddie has the urge to kiss him, right then and there.

But he knows better than that, and lies back on his side, blushing. This isn't the first time Eddie has had to save himself from doing something he'll regret, but it's not like Richie hasn't had to countless times as well.

"So Edward, what brings you here today?" Richie asks in a terrible British accent. Eddie slaps him playfully on the knee, before responding:
"I could ask you the same question,"
"Nope, I asked first,"
"Fine." Eddie huffs, "I asked Bill where you were and he said you'd be down here. I wanted to see you."

Richie is shocked for a moment, before doing what he usually does in an awkward situation: ruining it.
"Aww Eds just couldn't stay away? Wanting some of this-"
"Beep beep, asshole." Eddie rolls his eyes at Richie's joke, but he can't keep the smile off his face.

"So, what do you wanna do then?" Richie asks, adjusting his glasses. Eddie immediately thinks of what he wants to do with Richie, of what he almost did earlier.
"Umm, I don't know, read comics maybe?" If it had been anyone else Richie would have protested, he was bored as hell reading comics earlier, but it wasn't just anyone. It was Eddie.

Richie picks his comic book up off the floor, turning to the page he stopped at, but really just watched Eddie as he got out of the hammock and walked towards the stack of comics in the corner.

Eddie flicks through them, before deciding on Batman and returning to the hammock. He starts to get in but it sways precariously before Eddie can sit down, resulting in him falling right on top of Richie.

They both laugh, faces just inches apart, hot breath on each other's necks. Eddie looks up at Richie, and Richie looks at Eddie as their laughter fizzles out.

Completely caught up in the moment, all earlier thoughts of regret and rejection washed away, Eddie closes his eyes, surges forwards and presses his lips against Richie's.

Richie gasps, and Eddie quickly pulls away when Richie doesn't kiss back. Eddie stares into the taller boy's eyes, trying to see if what he did was wrong. But all he saw was shock.

Suddenly, what had just happened seemed to register in Richie's mind as he moved a hand to the back of Eddie's head, gently bringing him closer before closing the gap between them.

Eddie immediately kisses back, using both hands to cup Richie's face as their eyes fluttered shut. Soon they had to break away for air, but Eddie takes one look at Richie's flushed face and kisses him again, more forcefully this time.

Richie tilts his head slightly and runs his fingers through Eddie's hair, when they hear a cough behind them. Eddie quickly pulls away, and goes bright red.

There stand the rest of the Losers club, all staring at him and Richie, who they just saw make out.

"I fucking knew it!" Stan exclaims, "Bev, you owe me twenty bucks," Beverly hands it over, laughing at the shocked faces of the two in the hammock.

"You guys bet on us?" Richie asks.
"W-we-well of c-course w-w-we di-did," Bill stutters, smirking.
"We'll come back later, I guess," Mike says, and begins to climb out of the clubhouse.
"Cya lovebirds!" Ben calls as he follows the others out, shutting the trapdoor behind him.

Richie and Eddie lock eyes, and burst into laughter.

soooo this is my version of the hammock scene (super fluffy ik)

thanks so much for 550 reads!! :D

it's 2 days until halloween, should my next update be halloween themed?

reddie oneshots || fluff Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon