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3rd person POV

Eddie bolts upright on the sofa, panting. A cold sweat drips slowly down his forehead and his eyes struggle to adjust to the darkness of the front room, but they eventually prevail. Eddie's mind is whirling at a thousand miles a minute as he tries to process the dream he just woke up from.

(not that type of dream u horny shits i can see the comments from here)

Hot, salty tears immediately began to spill down Eddie's cheeks as he remembered the look on Richie's face as he drew his last breath, stuttered his last words. Eddie quickly flings the blankets off of him, and tries desperately to calm himself.

It was not uncommon knowledge that Eddie had nightmares, but none of the Losers had any idea how bad they really were. Except Richie, that is. Ever since they defeated that fucking clown Richie and Eddie have grown closer than ever - all of the Losers were well aware the two were absolutely head over heels for each other, the only people who couldn't seem to see it were them themselves - and so when the nightmares began, Richie was the only person Eddie trusted with the full truth. Every time it's the same, he has to watch his best friend (and crush) die in some new terrible and extremely painful way.

This time was different though. This time, Eddie couldn't simply sneak downstairs to the phone and dial Richie's number. He couldn't simply talk late into the night about everything and nothing, Richie constantly asking if he was feeling better and somehow finding a way to make sure he was - this time, he was at Bill's house. And the rest of the Losers were there too.

Eddie rocked back and forth, arms wrapped tight around his knees, and tried his best to stop the violent shudders running through his body. He tried to stem the flow of tears, but nothing was working. None of the breathing techniques Richie had taught him on one particularly bad night were making any difference, Eddie just could not calm himself. Flashes of the dream just kept resurfacing whenever he felt slightly better.

Deciding that there was no other way he could possibly drift back to sleep, Eddie sighed in defeat and did his best to wipe the tears off his warm cheeks before standing up, giving himself a final moment to collect his thoughts, and moving silently towards Bill's guest room. Richie's room.

He is successful in not making a sound - a skill learnt from many months of sneaking past Sonia's bedroom in the dead of night - and opens the wooden door as quietly as possible. A shaft of hazy moonlight slants into the room as the door opens, illuminating Richie's sleeping figure in the double bed (Eddie internally laughs, of course Bill gave him the couch and Richie the double bed, he's always trying to get us together). He stands there, unmoving for a moment, simply admiring the taller boy.

His soft, fluffy hair falls slightly into his face, rising and falling with every gentle snore produced by delicate pink lips, and his soft freckled skin is pale and looks practically glowing in the light. He seems so relaxed in this state, and Eddie is stunned at how effortlessly beautiful he is. Snapping out of his trance, the asthmatic boy takes a deep breath and steps inside.

He makes sure to close the door behind him (he doesn't know what he would do if one of the others saw him in Richie's room - they make enough assumptions about them both as it is), before making his way towards the empty side of the bed. Carefully, so as not to wake Richie, he slips between the covers and rests his head back on the pillow.

"Hmph," Richie mumbles, "Eds? That you?"
"Yeah," Eddie whispers back, cheeks immediately flushing a delicate shade of pink, "I'm sorry, I had another nightmare. I just couldn't stay out there by myself, I- I-"
"Hey, shh, it's alright," Richie soothes, now awake. He turns over so he's face to face with the distraught boy, and gently reaches out to tuck a strand of stray hair back behind Eddie's ear. Eddie looks up at him and smiles gratefully.
"Thanks Rich,"

Richie nods in understanding, and pulls his hand back from Eddie's cheek. The younger boy frowns at the loss of contact, but it quickly vanishes as Richie moves instead to wrap his arm around Eddie's small frame, pulling him protectively into his chest. Eddie sighs in content, immediately feeling a million times calmer, and nestles into Richie's chest, splaying his palms out and resting them there. Richie presses a soft kiss into Eddie's light brown hair, and rests his head atop of his.

"Wait, Eds?" He suddenly asks.
"Is that my shirt?"
Eddie immediately flushes, realising he's wearing the shirt Richie left on the floor last night.
"Oh, I mean- Well... uh-" Eddie stutters. He really should've thought about what he was wearing before he decided to get into bed with Richie, and he suddenly feels extremely self conscious in Richie's oversized shirt and his red shorts.

Richie laughs lightly, and Eddie can practically hear the smirk on his face as he says:
"Don't worry. I think it's cute,"


again i literally can't end fanfics but whatever

this is pretty short but i like it :))

also i'm glad y'all didn't get pissed at my last update cause i was kinda worried i was gonna get attacked for making them break the rules lmfaooo

reddie oneshots || fluff Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang