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3rd person POV

Eddie and Richie were curled up on the sofa in Richie's apartment, Eddie sitting on the taller boy's lap with his arms wrapped around his neck. Richie had his arms wrapped around Eddie's waist, and they both wore looks of pure contentment and love. Richie traced patterns onto Eddie's back comfortingly, and Eddie hummed happily in Richie's ear. Richie leant his head against Eddie's shoulder, relaxed.

"Hey, Rich?" Eddie said, his warm breath tickling the hairs at the back of Richie's neck.
"Yeah Eds?"
"Do you think we could go to bed now? I'm really tired..." Eddie trailed off.
"You know it's only like nine PM right?" Richie laughed, the vibrations making Eddie shiver.
"I know," Eddie whispered, "I just wanna cuddle with you and fall asleep,"

Richie grinned and stood up, causing Eddie to wrap his legs even tighter around the boy's waist in order not to fall.
"Then we'll go to bed, my love!" Richie exclaimed.
"You know I hate those stupid pet names," Eddie groaned and they both knew full well it wasn't true. Richie just laughed and leaned in, kissing Eddie lightly and pulling away about two seconds later, leaving Eddie chasing after his lips. The asthmatic boy rolled his eyes as Richie carried him to the bedroom.

When they got there, Richie dropped him onto the double bed - careful not to hurt him - and Eddie immediately crawled under the covers on his side.
"C'monnn come cuddle with me!" Eddie complained, pouting and making grabby hands at his boyfriend. Richie laughed, getting in next to Eddie and wasting no time in wrapping his arms around the smaller boy's frame. Eddie sighed contentedly and smiled, snaking his arms around Richie's waist and pulling him closer. He lay his head on Richie's chest, listening to the comforting thump thump thump of his heart beat.

Richie held Eddie tighter.
"Goodnight Richie, I love you," Eddie mumbled, closing his eyes.
"Night Eds," Richie replied, the words familiar on his tongue by now. Eddie now began to trace patterns on Richie's back, much like what Richie had been doing to him earlier. The older boy relaxed into the touch, savouring every moment he got with his insanely cute boyfriend. Just as he was about to close his eyes, Eddie spoke again. It was obvious he was half asleep, but in Richie's opinion that made it even better.
"You know I really, really love you, right?" He asked.
"I know. I love you to," Richie chuckled.

Richie snuggled closer, moving so his legs were tangled with Eddie's and his head now rested on Eddie's chest, switching their positions.
"Wow I finally feel like I'm the taller one," Eddie said, and Richie laughed.
"Do you really hate being a shortie that much?" He asked.
"Nope," Eddie grinned - Richie loved it when Eddie got like this, half asleep and half awake, it would last for hours and Eddie was always the cutest (and most honest) in these moments - "I find the height difference cute anyways,"
Richie couldn't help himself, he reached out and pinched Eddie's cheeks with both hands, squealing "Cute, cute, cute!" before ruffling Eddie's hair. The asthmatic boy giggled and Richie nuzzled further into Eddie's neck, causing him to feel Richie smile against his exposed skin.

Eddie yawned and lifted a hand up, playing with Richie's dark hair. Richie immediately grinned wider, and he moved them both so Eddie was lying on his back and he was lying on top of him. Richie propped his chin up on Eddie's chest and smiled like a dork at him as Eddie continued to tangle his hand in Richie's hair.
"What?" Eddie laughed.
"Nothing, Eddie Spaghetti, I just think your adorable," Richie responded easily, and Eddie rolled his eyes but blushed all the same.

Richie leaned upwards and pressed a soft kiss to Eddie's cheek, before returning to his original position.
"I love it when you do that," Eddie murmured, closing his eyes once more. Richie's cheeks filled with colour at that statement and he leaned up again, pressing another kiss to his other cheek.
"Richie?" Eddie giggled, wiping at the spot Richie's lips had been with one of his yellow hoodie sleeves before letting his arm fall limply onto Richie's back.
"Do you think you could-" Eddie yawned, "-talk to me while I fall asleep?"
"Of course," Richie replied, staring dreamily up at Eddie.
"Okay... What's one thing you like about me?" Eddie asked, opening one eye and smirking.

"Your smile, your kindness, your temper and your height," Richie replied in a matter of seconds, causing Eddie's cheeks to turn a pretty shade of pink.
"Jeez that was quick, definite boyfriend points earned," Eddie said, and they both laughed.
"You're so cute," Richie teased, booping Eddie on the nose.
"Stopppp," Eddie whined. Richie smiled dopily.
"I could compliment you all day, Spaghetti, you haven't seen anything yet,"
Eddie didn't respond, and Richie guessed he'd fallen asleep again.

Richie rubbed his hands up and down Eddie's sides in a comforting manner.
"Mmm that feels nice," Eddie said, and Richie smiled once again. God, he was so in love with this boy.
"Good," He answered, and Eddie spoke again.
"You're warm,"
He pulled Richie closer - if that was even possible - with the arm he'd dropped onto Richie's back so their faces were only inches apart.
"I'll warm you up," Richie whispered, leaning upwards to trail a line of sweet kisses along Eddie's jaw.
"Stop it that tickles!" Eddie giggled, desperately pushing Richie's face away. Richie eventually gave up, shuffling around once more so he was lying between Eddie's legs, still on his front with their faces so close Eddie could feel Richie's tickling breath on his neck.

Eddie began rubbing Richie's back.
"This is so comfortable,"
Richie nodded in agreement.
"This is perfect," He said, causing Eddie to smile.
"Do you like it when I do this?" Eddie asked, pressing slightly harder and running his hand up and down the dark blue hoodie covering Richie's back.
"Obviously," Richie replied, causing them both to laugh.
"Ugh why are you so talll," Eddie whined.
"Why are you so shortttt," Richie answered, mimicking him and earning a playful slap round the head.

"Honestly though, I love cuddling with you like this," Eddie sighed, and Richie quickly agreed.
"Just promise me one thing," He said, and Richie looked up at him curiously.
"Promise you'll never leave me?"
Richie could hear the insecurity in his boyfriend's voice and his heart broke. Did Eddie honestly think he was gonna leave him?
"I promise," Richie replied quickly, hoping to set Eddie's mind at ease. It did the trick, and Eddie bent down to press a kiss into Richie's hair.
"I'm never gonna leave you Eds,"

Richie could tell Eddie was slipping in and out of sleep once more, and he brought a hand up to cup Eddie's face.
"Get some sleep, I'll still be here in the morning," He said, gazing lovingly at Eddie. The asthmatic boy nodded, letting his eyes droop shut. That only lasted about five minutes though, before he opened them again.
"You know," He started, and Richie laughed. "I don't think there's anything about you I don't like,"
"Oh?" Richie smirked, waiting for him to continue.
"I just- you're perfect... in every way,"
Richie blushed a deep shade of red, how did I ever deserve someone like Eddie?

"So are you,"
Eddie rolled his eyes.
"No I'm not,"
Richie gasped over dramatically.
"Are you blind?" He exclaimed, and Eddie laughed.
"You're the cutest, most perfect boy I have ever seen!"
Eddie rolled his eyes and looked away.
"Beep beep, Richi-" He was cut off by Richie's lips being pressed against his own. Butterflies danced in his stomach, amazing him every time. He never quite would get over the feeling of Richie's lips against his own, and neither would Richie.
"But seriously Eddie, I can't believe how perfect you are, and you're all mine," Richie grinned as they pulled away, looking into Eddie's chocolate brown eyes.
"I'm all yours," Eddie confirmed.



unedited cause my vision has literally gone blurry 😌👍

one of the toy dinosaurs i blue tacked to my wall just fell off- rip fallen soldier you will be missed 💔

update: the dinosaur was 'pea junior' (yes me and my best friend named them all) i expected him to last longer ngl 😔✋

i just remembered all 3 of my best friends know my wattpad so if any of u guys r reading this consider this a shout out and please don't judge me 😁

also i'm extremely hyper if you couldn't tell


ya know what who cares at this point 🧍‍♀️

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