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note: okay but the amount of fanart i have in my camera roll is actually concerning-

3rd person POV

"Wanna go get ice cream next?" Richie asked, pointing to Scoops Ahoy on his left where a man was handing an ice cream sample down to a young girl.
"Or we could go to..." he trailed off as he looked down at his boyfriend and realised he wasn't even listening.
"Eds? You okay?" He asked, following Eddie's gaze directly ahead of them at the makeup store.
"Huh?" Eddie said, snapping back to reality. He immediately blushed realising Richie had noticed him staring at the shop. "Yeah Scoops Ahoy sounds great! Let's go now," He quickly said, changing the subject and squeezing Richie's hand tighter. When the taller boy continued staring at the makeup store and didn't move, Eddie tried his best to tug him away from Starcourt Beauty and towards the ice cream parlour.

Richie looked down at Eddie and a grin slowly spread across his face. Eddie sighed in defeat and let himself fall against Richie's chest. He was short enough to fit just under Richie's chin and he looked up at his boyfriend, rolling his eyes.
"Go on then, make fun of me,"
"No way Spaghetti, we're going in there right now," Richie declared, pulling them across the busy walkway and into Starcourt Beauty, the smell of manufactured perfumes immediately swarming their senses.
"Really Rich it's okay we can just go to Scoops-" Eddie started, but was quickly cut off once they reached the section of the store which contained rows upon rows of colourful nail polishes.
"Shut up and help me choose a colour, do you think black or light blue looks best?" Richie asked excitedly, letting go of Eddie's hand to pick both colours up off the shelf. Eddie swallowed and looked around nervously, he couldn't see a single other boy in the shop, although no one was paying them any attention.

Richie held both bottles next to each other and squinted, comparing them.
"I think black, what colour do you want?"
When he got no reply, Richie finally looked down at the brunette who was shifting awkwardly from foot to foot.
"Eds," He said, voice much softer this time, and Eddie looked up at him, eyebrows furrowed.
"Rich what if they kick us out we're probably not meant to be here-"
Richie gently placed a hand on Eddie's shoulder, stroking it comfortingly.
"Trust me Spaghetti, no one's gonna kick us out. If you want makeup, we'll get makeup. Seriously, who's gonna stop us?" He pulled his arm back and scanned the shelf agin, grabbing a pastel yellow shade and handing it to Eddie. "Woah this one is literally exactly your colour,"
Finally, Eddie smiled slightly, taking the bottle from Richie and inspecting it himself before nodding in agreement.

*back at Richie's house (his parents are out)*

"Have you ever done this before Rich?" Eddie asked uneasily as Richie unscrewed the lid of the yellow polish and dipped the brush into the pigmented liquid a few times.
"Relax Eds, I'm sure it's not that hard," Richie replied calmly, "Hold out your hands,"
Eddie did as he was told, and smiled as Richie took hold of one of his hands to steady it and carefully lowered the brush with the other. He'd rested the open bottle of nail polish by his knee precariously, and it was dangerously close to spilling all over Richie's bed that they were sitting on.

Concentrating hard on not getting it all over Eddie's fingers, Richie squinted as he brushed the yellow polish onto the shorter boy's fingernails. Eddie was practically beaming at this point, glad that Richie was a fan of the whole 'makeup' thing. To be honest, Eddie had always been interested by makeup ever since he was a little boy. Sonia used to drag him with her whenever she went shopping as 'staying at home alone was fair to dangerous for a delicate boy like himself' but no matter how hard she tried to tell him it wasn't right she couldn't stop Eddie from gazing longingly at the rows upon rows of beautiful colours, scents and textures as his mother picked out her next shade of lipstick. Of course, she never allowed him to wear any himself, scared it might 'corrupt his innocent mind' or some shit. Eddie shook his head to rid himself of the unpleasant thoughts, and instead began to giggle as Richie cursed under his breath and capped the bottle of polish once more.

Apparently he was wrong about it being not that hard.
"This shit is fucking impossible," Richie sighed, blowing lightly on Eddie's fingernails before letting go and looking back up at him with an apologetic expression. One hand had been fully done but the polish had smeared onto the skin around Eddie's nails and was lumpy in places where the first layer had already dried by the time Richie had gone in with the second. Eddie met his boyfriend's gaze and laughed, leaning in and kissing him softly before pulling away soon after, leaving Richie chasing his lips before pulling away in defeat.
"C'mon, lemme do yours. What colour do you want?" Eddie asked, eager to try it for himself. Richie smiled and handed the black polish to Eddie, who repeated the same process as Richie but was much better at it, keeping his hand steady and barely ever smudging any onto the surrounding skin. There were no lumps this time, either.

"Holy shit Spaghetti, you're a natural!" Richie exclaimed, wiggling his fingers so that they'd dry faster and staring at them in amazement. Eddie smiled even wider.
"Shut up," He mumbled, looking down at his own messy fingers to try and hide his blush. Suddenly, he felt Richie's cool hands cup his face and gently tilt his head upwards.
"Seriously though Eds, i'll buy you as much makeup as you want. You can come round here and do it cause you know my parents don't give a shit, Sonia doesn't have to know," He said, but suddenly became nervous as Eddie's eyes began to gleam with tears.
"Oh shit are you okay? If you don't wanna-"
"Thank you," Eddie whispered, voice cracking halfway through. Richie continued to stare back at him in confusion.
"For what?"
"Everything. All of it. For- for accepting me,"
Before Richie could say anything in reply, Eddie surged forwards so he was in Richie's lap and wrapped his arms tight around the taller boy, pulling him into a hug. Richie smiled into Eddie's shoulder, pulling him as close as possible.
"'Course Eds. I love you,"
"I love you too,"

request from @s-s-spaghetti_manz i hope u liked it :D

idk i was inspired lmfao so i made this

uhh anyways- ima probs edit this later and delete that cause yh 😃👍

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uhh anyways- ima probs edit this later and delete that cause yh 😃👍

also i finally got my iphone x back from the apple store after like 3 weeks of waiting for an appointment so that's pog

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