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3rd person POV (again)

Eddie flinches as another loud boom rumbles through the house, seeming to shake the walls, although that was just a figment of Eddie's imagination. The torrential rain thrashes against the windows angrily, and raindrops bounce on the roof over and over again.

The young boy squeezes his eyes tightly shut as a bright strip of white light forks across the sky, and all he can think is what if it hits us? What if we get struck? Deep down he knows the fear is irrational, like most of his usually are, but that isn't just going to make it go away. So, he simply curls up under the covers and covers his face with a pillow, the fabric case of which quickly becoming damp with tears.

Of course, on the one night that his mother was away, there had to be a thunderstorm. Just Eddie's luck. But even with his mom here, Eddie knows he wouldn't have felt much better. Truth is, the old lady has never provided much comfort in any aspect of his life. What with all the pills she's forced Eddie to swallow over the years, all the medicine that wasn't needed, he's come to associate her only with bad memories.

Eddie knows who he really needs. He needs Richie.

Ever since he can remember, Eddie has been absolutely petrified of thunderstorms. Although he didn't know it yet, it was most likely because the night his dad passed away it had been raining. Eddie was only 4 when it happened, but it was festering somewhere deep in his memories, so far only surfacing during storms. And god was this storm bad.

Now sobbing uncontrollably and unable to come up with another option, Eddie decides to call Richie. He doesn't expect Richie to come over, especially not at 10 o'clock at night, but fuck just hearing his voice could calm Eddie down.

Just as he reaches a shaking hand towards his phone, the doorbell rings. Who the fuck is ringing my doorbell this late at night? And in this weather? Eddie thinks, and decides it's best not to answer. Could be anyone, after all. That is until he hears the soft, familiar voice of his best friend calling from outside.
"Eds? Eds, it's me, are you okay?"

Without even questioning it, Eddie rushes down the stairs and doesn't bother to wipe the tears from his eyes before he frantically opens the door and comes face to face with the one and only Richie Tozier.

"Richie," Eddie breathes, stepping forward and wrapping his arms tightly around the other boy.
"Shhh, you're okay, i'm here now, it's okay," Richie soothes, and he cant help but blush at the way Eddie clings to him, like he's the only thing in the world.

Without separating himself from Eddie, Richie steps inside and closes the door behind him, shutting out the bitter wind and lashing rain.

Another thunder clap.

Eddie sobs into Richie's chest and the taller boy hugs him tighter, stroking his hair comfortingly.
"C'mon, lets go upstairs, okay?" Eddie nods but doesn't move, he just twists his hands tighter into Richie's shirt. Which Richie still thinks is the cutest thing in the entire world.

Richie lifts Eddie up, and Eddie wraps his legs around Richie's waist, breathing in his scent as he is carried upstairs. Once in Eddie's bedroom, Richie sets him down on the bed and Eddie crawls under the covers, gesturing for Richie to do the same. Richie obliges, and once he's under he turns on his side so he's facing Eddie.

"I know you don't like thunderstorms," Richie whispers, reaching out and touching Eddie's arm lightly, "So I came to make sure you were okay,"
"Thank you, Rich, really," Eddie replies, smiling softly back at him. "I really don't know how but you always make me feel better,"
Richie smiles, wiping away Eddie's tears with his thumb.
"Good. There's no one in this world that I care about more than you, Eds. I mean that." Eddie blushes at this.
"Me too. I honestly have no idea what I would do without you," Eddie says truthfully, and he reaches a hand out to brush some hair out of Richie's face.

Eddie has no idea where this sudden confidence came from - he almost certainly wouldn't have done this in the day time when his thoughts weren't clouded with sleep - but he keeps his hand on the side of Richie's face and strokes his cheek with his thumb, moving slightly closer to him.

Richie hums and closes his eyes in content, and the two stay like that for awhile, Eddie just watching Richie as he drifts off to sleep. Once sure Richie was asleep, Eddie leans forward and quickly presses a kiss to Richie's lips (something he's been wanting to do for a long time) before pulling away and closing his eyes.

Just as he's about to drop off, Eddie feels Richie's lips against his own, only for a couple of seconds, and then he hears Richie whisper:
"Goodnight Eds,"
"Goodnight, Rich,"

not me updating at 11pm 🤧

it's literally raining rn so that's where i got the inspiration for this update, omg i just realised i did two rain themed oneshots one after another- oops-

also i reallyyy wanna watch the turning but it's not on netflix and i gotta pay for it - has anyone seen it and if so is it actually good? cause i don't wanna waste my money on it if it's shit

also ik that this oneshot isn't the most canon, but whatever i think it's cute ;)

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