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note: angst lolll

eddie POV

"Hey Rich, what's up?" I ask, sitting up in bed as I pick up my phone. I glance over at the dark blue clock on my wall, the thin strip of silver moonlight that's escaped my blinds making the room just light enough for me to make out the numbers on its face. It's half past midnight.

"E-eddie," Richie stutters, and my heart breaks. He sounds utterly defeated, and I immediately know what's happened.
"Was it your dad again?" I ask in a low voice, scared of the answer even though I already know it.
"Yes," Richie sniffs, and that's all he has to say for my mind to be made up.
"I'm coming," I say finally, and hang up.

I spring out of bed, switching my light on and opening my wardrobe as quietly as possible. If my mom heard me sneaking out this late at night I probably wouldn't be allowed out of the house ever again, that's how bad she's gotten. Anyway, this is about Richie, not me. I pick out a pair of blue jeans and a pastel yellow oversized sweater, and get changed quickly before walking over to my door.

I grasp the handle, turning it slowly to try and stop it from creaking before pulling my door open. Barely any sound is made, and I sigh in relief before making my way downstairs. I pull on my black converse before slipping silently out the front door. I made it. I look back at the house one last time to make sure my mother hasn't woken. She hasn't, the lights in her bedroom are still off. I turn around, and I run.

It's about a five minute walk to Richie's house from mine as he only lives two streets away, but I get there in half the time because I'm a strong runner. I pause once outside his house, and bend over resting my hands on my knees to catch my breath. Once I'm calmer, I waste no time in climbing up the vines and the drainpipe on the left side of the house, knocking on the window three times once I reach it.

The curtains behind it are pulled back in an instant, and Richie's tear stained face is looking back at mine. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in as he quickly opens the window. He's ok. He's here. He pulls me inside without a word, and then goes and sits cross-legged on his bed, looking down. Then I notice the purple bruises on his hands and face.

My heart breaks for the second time today, and I frown as I tentatively walk towards him.
"Richie..." I trail off, and he sniffs. I can tell he's trying his best to hold back tears. I sit on the bed next to him.
"Was it-"
Richie nods, already knowing what my question will be. I swear to god I will fucking kill Went for what he does to Richie. And what he does to Maggie, for that matter.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper even though I know words cannot convey my feelings, but Richie doesn't look up.
"Hey, look at me," I say, reaching out and tilting his face towards mine, slowly as not to startle him. He finally meets my eyes, and he looks so broken, so ashamed. I can't take it. He can't possibly blame himself for this, can he?
"Rich, this isn't your fault," I assure him, although I shouldn't have to.

"B-But, but it is, isn't it," He whimpers, furrowing his eyebrows. I gently trace his cheekbone - being careful to miss out any bruises - with my thumb as I continue to talk.
"Of course not, this is Went's fault. It's him, not you. You couldn't have prevented this,"
"But if- if I was a better s-s-son, then m-maybe- maybe this-" He stutters, begging to tear up.
"Hey, hey, shh," I sooth, realising talking about this will only get him more worked up.

I wipe a stray tear away with my other thumb, so now both my hands are cupping his face.
"You don't deserve this, Rich," I say, "No one does,"
At this, Richie finally lets out a sob and then begins to shake violently. Unsure of what else to do, I immediately pull him into a hug, wrapping my arms around his neck. Richie stiffens for a moment, still shaking, before giving in to the embrace and clutching at the back of my shirt. He rests his head on my shoulder and I gently stroke his hair, mumbling soothing things to him as he begins to calm down.

Once he's stopped shaking, Richie slowly unravels himself from me so we're sitting opposite each other again.
"I just- I just wish you didn't have to see me like this. I look... hideous," He says, avoiding my eyes once again.
"Don't ever say that." I respond immediately, "Don't you dare say that! Richie, you're one of the cutest boys I've ever seen and it hurts me so fucking much that you can't seem to see it yourself just because your asshole of a dad has some really fucked up view of 'good parenting'," I exclaim, before quieting down as not to wake said asshole.

"R-really?" Richie asks timidly, and we make eye contact. I bring one of my hands
up to his face again, and stare at him intently, hoping he can figure out the answer for himself. Before I can stop myself, I lean in until our faces are just inches apart, hot breath on each other's necks. For a split second I consider kissing him, really kissing him, but I know that's out of the question. So I settle for pressing a gentle kiss to the painful looking bruise underneath his right eye, lingering there for a moment before pressing one to the bruise on his jaw, his forehead, the tip of his nose...

I can feel his breathing speeding up as I slowly pull away, hoping with all I have that he doesn't hate me for what I just did. Best friends can do that sort of thing... right?
"Eddie..." He breathes.
"Can I... can I kiss you?"

My eyes widen at this question, and I feel my insides turn into a knot and my heart leap into my throat.
"Yes," I whisper. Richie looks relived, and he smiles slightly - the first smile I've seen on him all night, so automatically I return it - before he leans in. The moment our lips connect I feel my brain start to go fuzzy, and we close our eyes in pure bliss. Richie holds my waist and I tangle my hands in his hair, completely absorbed in the feeling.

"Richie," I say as we finally pull away, "You're not hideous, you're beautiful,"


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