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Richie POV

BANG BANG BANG. I knock on Eddie's door and check my watch. 9am. Surely Eddie's up by now. Right on queue, the door swings open and i'm met with a tired looking Eddie, still in his striped pyjamas.

"The fuck do you want?" Eddie yawns, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
"Actually I'm here for your mom's make out sesh." I jokingly reply, smirking.
"Beep beep Richie."
"Okay fine, all the losers are meeting at the quarry in 20 minutes, and I was elected to wake you up," I say, rolling my eyes, "so go get dressed already."

The door shuts in my face. About 10 minutes later, Eddie re appears in his mustard yellow polo and red shorts, and all I can think is damn. I've been staring to long and I quickly recover myself.

"Seriously? You're bringing your fanny pack to the quarry?" Although I secretly loved Ed's cute fanny pack, I could never admit it.
"Do you know how many diseases are in rivers? What if you get a cut? It could get infect-"
"Alright alright, grab your bike and let's go already," I cut him off.

"Umm Richie?" Eddie asks
"What Eds?"
"First of all don't call me that! Second can I ride on your bike with you please? Mines broken. Wheel came off,"
"Oh uhh sure Eds," I say, but despite my teasing reply a red blush still tints my cheeks.
Why the fuck am I blushing? Eddie's my best friend of course he can ride with me. I mentally scold myself.

"Jump on." I say as I pick up my rusty bike from Eddie's lawn and scoot to the front of the seat, leaving as much room as possible for Eddie, who sits behind me and wraps his arms tightly around my waist.

I push off and peddle down street after street,  enjoying the summer breeze that flicks my curls. Then I feel Eddie's head rest on my shoulder, his soft breathing in my ear, and I smile.

Soon enough we reach the dirt track that leads to the quarry and I can see our friends in the distance. At the sight of them Eddie lifts his head from my shoulder and loosens his grip, so I can no longer feel his chest pressed against my back.

"F-f-f-finally. What t-took you gu-guys so long?" Bill questions, raising an eyebrow.
"Sorry, busy fucking your mom," I snicker, earning groans from the entire group.

We undress, until we're left in our underwear. I notice everyone's staring at Bev, who's pretending not to realise, apart from me and Eddie. Huh, strange.
"Cya suckers!" Bev screams as she runs right to the edge and jumps of the cliff, landing with a splash in the cold water. The others soon follow, until just Eddie and me are left.

"R-Richie I don't think I can-" but I sneak up behind him and push Eddie off the edge before jumping in myself.
"Goddammit Rich!" Eddie screams at me.
"Aww, is my Eddie Spaghetti scared?" I tease, and Stan chuckles from beside me. "You pushed me of a cliff you dipshit." But I'm already underwater, silently making my way towards Eddie.

I tickle his bare chest, making him squirm and dip under the water. Laughing, i swim back to Stan and resurface but Eddie doesn't. I can just see him under the water a little way away, coughing and spluttering and churning it up with his hands.

"Oh my god, Eddie!" I scream and dive under, grabbing Eddie by the waist and tugging him back up, pulling him to the bank as he gasps for air. By now the entire losers club have gathered around where I've sat Eddie on the rocks.

"Eddie? Eddie? Are you alright? I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"
"I'm fine Richie, I think I'm just going to go home." Eddie replies, as he reaches for his fanny pack and takes 2 puffs of his inhaler.
"I'll take you." I state as we pull on our clothes.

We say goodbye to the other losers who continue to splash around, and as we cycle back I can't help but notice Eddie's grip is not nearly as tight as when we came this morning. Guilt racking my body, I take a sudden right down a road I'm pretty sure Eddie hasn't seen before.

"Where are we going, Rich?" He asks as we near my destination.
"Look, I'm sorry Eds, I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm going to take you somewhere to make up for it." I respond, turning yet another corner.
"I told you not to call me that." Eddie huffs, but grip tightens around me nonetheless.

Soon, the bike comes to a stop as I get off and offer Eddie my hand, bowing.
"Eddie Spaghetti," I say in a mock British accent. Eddie smacks my hand away and dismounts, but a smile still forces its way onto his face.

I've brought us to an orchard, warm and sweet smelling, with plenty of tress to offer much needed protection from the beating sun. We sit under a plum tree and talk about everything and nothing, me cracking stupid jokes half of the time.

One thing leads to the next, and soon Eddie's chasing me round the orchard, his beautiful laugh echoing around us. I look back at him, enjoying the sight of his hair flicking in the wind, a smile plastered on his slightly red face as he fails to catch up to me.

"ARGH!" I screech as I crash into a tree, to busy looking back to see it.
"Richie? What happened?" Eddie asks, concern lacing his voice as he rushes over.
"I'm fine, honestly." I lie, my knees and elbows sting badly and I can see the fresh blood trickling from where i cut them.

"No, you're not." Eddie kneels in front of me, producing cotton balls from his fanny pack and gently dabbing the cuts clean. He then sticks plasters on all 4 of my limbs, and I try not to stare to much at his cute face as he sticks his tongue out slightly in concentration.

Next, he reaches up and slowly removes my glasses, causing me to flinch. I hadn't noticed the cut on my nose.  Eddie repeats the process, dabbing it and then covering it with a plaster.

Now I can't help but stare as he does this, counting every freckle dotted on his cheeks. But once he's stuck the plaster on, Eddie doesn't pull his hands away. He just looks at me, not his usual glare after I make a 'your mum' joke or something, but a warm look full of kindness.

"Richie..." Eddie whispers.

I can't take it any more.

I cup his face with one hand and close my eyes as I lean in and connect our lips. For a second Eddie is unmoving, shocked, before he melts into it and kisses back with so much passion, tangling his hand in my dark curls. Electricity surges through me at the feel of his soft lips, and I feel butterflies dancing in my stomach.

The kiss is slow and sweet, we're in no rush. It's the first time I've kissed a boy... and oh did I like it. I can taste Eddie's cherry chapstick as reluctantly I pull away for air and rest my forehead against his.

"Eddie..." i breath.

We both smile like dorks whole ride back, and Eddie nuzzles into my neck right until we come to a stop outside Eddie's house.

"Ya know..." I starts as Eddie dismounts, "I think you might just be a better kisser than your mom!"
"Oh fuck off, Trashmouth," Eddie responds but he has an unmistakable smile on his face that I keep in mind the entire ride home.

Request from nagitoscollarboness , did you like it?

I really like this one, sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes it's 10:30pm and I cba to check through it. Also did anyone get the song reference ;)

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