Chapter 8. Defending the Act

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Tanya was so devastated by what she saw. She could not get the image of Eric with that girl out of her head. How naïve could I have been? She sneaked back into her house. She could hear her mother coming down the hall. Tanya rushed into her room and quickly closed the door and pulled the cover over her. Her mother opened Tanya's bedroom door, looked in and continued down the hall checking in on each of her children.

"I thought I heard something downstairs," she said to her husband.

"I checked downstairs and everything is secured. It must have been the wind," Mr. Johnson said gun in hand cocked and ready to shoot any intruder.

That was so close, Tanya thought. A minute more and she would have been caught by her parents...maybe mistaken for an intruder and shot to death by her father. She shuddered at the thought. Tanya lay across her bed and just cried and cried. She felt so despondent about everything, from her parents being so strict to Eric's cheating.

Tanya  didn't know what to think about that move by Eric...bringing home a girl with him. Who does that? She wondered. He was forcing her to grow up before she was ready. She knew that she could not give him what he needed, but now she was certain more than ever that she could not go there with him. She never  expected him to be so openly blatant with messing around. Tanya felt he didn't have any respect for her. She was so mad at him and at herself for loving him.

Tanya knew he would be waiting for her next day after school and so she took the back road and headed home. She did this everyday.  Eric realized too late what was happening. That Friday he waited for her in the back of the school. Eric hid the truck and sat down on the side of the road and waited for Tanya. 

He caught a glimpse of her. She was walking by herself. Eric stepped out and grabbed her from behind. She struggled for a while, then she relaxed. He opened the door of his truck for her and she sat down. He felt so ashamed for what he did to her. They drove for a while without speaking. He handed her two beef patties and a soda that he got for her lunch. Tanya took it and threw it through the window. Eric sighed.

"I am so fucking sorry Tanya," he started.

"Sorry? Sorry about what? That you got caught?!" She was in tears

"Tanya I never pretended to be a saint. You knew I had to be seeing other people.  You made it clear that there would be no sex before marriage.  I accepted that because I love you, but I am a man Tanya and I have needs,"  he tried poorly to explain.

"A man? You are not a man; you are a boy not yet nineteen. Why are you in such a rush to be a man, to do things a man does?" Tanya asked.

Wow, what can I say? That was a fucking smack down.   All he knew was that he wanted Tanya and that he had needs that she was not willing to accommodate. "I am not a child Tanya," he said quietly.

"Well I am, and you are trying to force me to be an adult before I am ready!" 

She was so angry at Eric for playing her for the fool. "I always thought that what we had together was much more than about sex.  We have had a special bond since we were babies. I thought that meant something ," she cried.

"And it is and it does, if it was just about sex I would have walked away a long time ago, but I love you.  You mean every fucking thing to me,"  Eric responded.

"You said that you would wait for me...wait until I was ready," she cried.

Eric closed his eyes in frustration. As much as he tried , he could not explain to her why he did the things he did. She just did not get it.

"And I am waiting for you Tanya.  I get that you are still very young and I understand that having sex is a big decision for you; I get that," he trailed off. It was so hard having this discussion with her.

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