Chapter 23. Body & Soul

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Eric was reluctant to drop Tanya off at her parents home for the Christmas holiday. He had spent five incredible nights and days with his wife, getting to know her in the biblical sense and the experience would be indelible on their hearts forever. Tanya said it was their honeymoon but Eric thought it was way too short a stay to be considered a honeymoon; they needed more like a month. Eric begged her to stay a week but she had to get home to her parents before the holidays so as not to raise suspicion. 

And for the first time Eric and Tanya had the chance to spend some quality time together getting to know each other. And they found out things about each other that they just didn't like and they also found some qualities that they were just ecstatic about.  Tanya found Eric to be moody but with the patience of a saint.  Eric found Tanya to be indecisive but with the kindest soul.  What they were ecstatic about, however, was the sexual was off the chart as if they were born for each other.  And Tanya had a degree of freedom being with Eric that she  never had before, not with the kind of parents she had.

They lay on their sides facing each other and just gazed at each other.

"I love you too much," Eric said as he gazed at her.

"You sound disappointed. Are you disappointed that you love me?" Tanya asked.

"Hell no, but I am so afraid that you will stop loving me; your family is so against us being together.  What if......?" he said as he tried to express in words  his inner fears to her.

Tanya cut him off. "There is no what if; we are married  now and  this is  forever;  we were meant for each other; we have known this since we were kids; I sometimes feel that our love is from another time, that we loved each other in another life; that we are two lost souls from the 14th century or there about searching for each other and at last found each other," Tanya said.

Eric smiled and shook his head as he remembered his grandmother telling him how he was instantly fascinated with Tanya from the very first time he saw her, even though they were mere babies. "Hmm, interesting.....I often get a  feeling of deja vu that for the life of me I cant explain." Eric said

Tanya looked at him.  "I get them too all the grandfather says that happens when the universe slips backwards in time; but my grandmother thinks its a memory from a past life that ended tragically," Tanya said.

"Yea I remember you saying that;  What could that tragedy be?" Eric asked.

Tanya pondered his question as to what could have happen to two tragic lovers from a past century. Tanya giggled but Eric was totally serious as if he really believed that they lived before as lovers in another time. 

"You are insanely jealous; I think you died in a duel fighting for my honor and of course I could not live without you or maybe you got jealous and killed us both," she responded. 

"You have some imagination wife.  I could never hurt you in this life or any life" Eric said.

They looked at each other as if deep down they believed that there was some truth to the far fetched idea that they lived in another time.  Tanya reached over and kissed him.

"It does not matter; what matters is that we are together now," Tanya  said.

After a period of silence Tanya told Eric her plans. 

 "I am going home tomorrow," she said.

"Tanya why? Please don't leave tomorrow," he begged and pleaded.

"Ok, ok I wont leave; I will stay another day but then I have to be home by Christmas Eve," she said.

Eric gazed at her sadly.

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