Chapter 28. Making Life Work

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The case was taking a toll on Eric and Tanya; for Eric it was the constant calling up of the case and resetting of the trial date. They still could not decide what to charge him with, manslaughter or murder. The Johnsons were pushing for a murder charge. Eric thought that was bull shit; anyone present that day knew that there was no murder committed.  But  this involved two powerful families on the island and so it all became political as everyone who witnessed the incident  took sides and had a different "perception" of what really happened that tragic day.  And also those in power also took sides depending on which of the two families they would benefit from the most.  What ever the hell happen to a fair trial? Eric asked his uncle.   His Uncle Linden answered his question.   

"Fair trial? You too Americanized." There should be no fucking trial but  this is the island boy but don't worry yourself; they will all hear from me," his uncle assured Eric.  Eric didn't know what to make of that threat and did not want to know. He was in enough trouble as it is.

Eric was tired of going to court only to hear that the trial was postponed. Eric wished they would just try the case and charge him for whatever. If he was going to jail, he would rather go sooner than later. For Tanya it was going to court with Eric and facing her family and the constant scrutiny of the press didn't help any. The press wanted to know why she was with Eric after he killed her father and Tanya had to defend Eric telling them it was just a tragic accident.

But once they were alone Tanya questioned Eric about her father's death. They were always fighting and Eric wondered if they would ever get pass this chapter in their life. Eric kept telling Tanya not to accompany him to court , but she wouldn't hear of it. She was afraid that they would try the case and sentence Eric to prison without giving her a chance to see him. Eric tried to stay positive; his music was a life saver for him; the band members met a couple nights per week and that helped calm his mind, especially with Tanya away at college.

Eric visited Tanya every weekend at college. He stayed at a guest house near her school. He would get their late Friday evening and leave early Monday morning. Tanya never really introduced him to any of her classmates and he often wondered if they knew she was married.  She was still not wearing her rings  but Eric tried hard not to let that bother him.  There was just too much other things going on with them for him to worry about her not wearing her rings.  She was usually waiting for him outside on Fridays when he got to her dorm.  And he was just over the moon to see her.

Sometimes Eric picked Tanya up from school and brought her back home to the beach house. In any case Friday was their favorite day of the week, because they  knew that they  would be seeing each other.   Eric had no desire to be with any other girl.  His friends teased him. They told Eric that he would cheat on Tanya because she was not experience enough to hold him.  Eric boastfully told his friends that the satisfaction was in the ability to school Tanya and mold her into the woman he wanted. But if only they knew that Tanya had molded him into the man she wanted.   She had a grip on his heart  that seems to grow stronger everyday.  She was a fast learner and as inexperience as she was he learned very quickly that she was a force to be reckon with and she would not tolerate any bullshit from him. She taught him a lesson in respect very early in their marriage.

One Saturday evening Tanya accompanied him on one of his band sessions at a nearby club. At the break he gave her a quick kiss and walked to the bar then headed out to the back. One of his devoted fan, left a message for him at the bar asking him to meet her outside. Tanya must have looked around and not see him and went looking for him.  As she exited through the back door she was just in time to see Eric getting out of a close embrace with a girl. Tanya walked up to them.

"What the hell is going on Eric?" she asked.

Eric quickly walked away from the girl and walked towards Tanya. "Nothing is going on babe," He laughed nervously. Tanya looked at him and then at the girl. Her skirt, if one could call it that, couldn't be any shorter or tighter.

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