Chapter 21. The Day After

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When Tanya woke up later that morning, there was a large long stem red rose next to her; a few of the petals were removed and scattered across the bed.  Tanya picked up the rose and smelled it and thought of Eric and what transpired with them the previous night. Sharon stories of tales from girls who Eric slept with did not pan out. Eric was not the crazy unempathetic lover Sharon made him out to be. Well he was not that to her, Tanya thought. She could not believe how patient and gentle Eric was with her last night, as if she was fragile and should be handled with special care.

She winced as she sat down on the toilet to pee; she was still a little sore but that was to be expected. She looked at herself in the mirror as she brushed her teeth.  Tanya wondered if her mother would be able to tell that she was no longer a virgin.  Tanya closely examined her face, still look the same, she thought. She made it from the bathroom, then followed the delicious scent of food cooking out to the kitchen.

As she passed through the living room on her way to the kitchen she could hear her very favorite Christmas song, "Silent Night" playing in the background. She smiled knowing that Eric was playing that for her benefit, because he was not into listening to Christmas songs. Tanya walked into the kitchen where  Eric was making breakfast. She hugged him tight from behind and rest her head against his back. He noticed that she was awkwardly holding the rose he left her in one hand as she hugged him.

"Go back to bed; you must still be tired after being  up most of the night," Eric said. "I want to bring you breakfast in bed." Eric  told her.   Tanya held up the rose to him.

"Thank you very much for the rose but a few of the petals were removed and scattered all over the bed," she said.

Eric got very quiet before he spoke. "It's a symbol of what happened with us last night; it symbolizes the undying love we share; it symbolizes the fact that you allowed me the privilege to pick that rose and how much more I love you for doing so," he said with a smile. 

Tanya smiled.  Picked that rose? She knew he was talking about her virginity. "That is so corny but so romantic," she said.  

Eric smiled.  she had no clue how much she meant to him.  She was his life.....his obsession.

He had mangoes all cut up on a plate.   "Where did you get mangoes?" she asked knowing it was not the season for mangoes.

"I told you that I had everything here that you love or need," Eric said with a wink.

Tanya absolutely loved mangoes but hate to get her hands all messy by biting into the whole fruit. Eric always peeled and cut up her mangoes into bite size so she could eat it with a fork or with her fingers.  She took a piece of fruit,  sat on the counter and munched as she watched Eric prepare breakfast.   She felt so happy, so this was what it felt like being one with her man, she thought.

"So how are you this morning?" Eric asked noticing that she winced as she sat on the counter.

"I am good; I feel happy," she said leaning over to give him a kiss.

"Me too babe; I can't describe this feeling I have," Eric said.   

Tanya stared at her husband in wonderment. Eric caught her staring.  "What," he asked.

"Thank you," she whispered.  "Thank you for being so patient and so gentle with me last night," she said almost in tears.

"Come on, don't with the tears; I didn't want you to have any pain; I wanted our first time together to be memorable....for not just you but for me too," he said. 

"And it; I get goose bumps just thinking of  the entire night." she said.  

"Eric smiled.  "I have no words; it was just awesome," he said.

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