Chapter 31. Picking Up the Pieces

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Eric and Tanya  finally got home to their little house on the beach, after what was an awkward trip home with very little conversation. At the house, Eric told Tanya that he would stay on the couch in the living room and she could have the bedroom if that would make her feel more comfortable.  Tanya picked up her bags walked into the bedroom and slammed the door shut. Eric sighed.  

After very little sleep the night before Eric was up early next morning and he made breakfast for Tanya....Fried dumplings with salted cod fish was her favorite.    He brought her breakfast in bed. Tanya rolled over and opened her eyes. Eric sat on the bed and watched her. She picked up the long stem rose on her tray and smelled it. She looked so beautiful with her small face buried under a headful of curls, he just wanted to jump into bed with her. He pushed her hair behind her ear so he could better see her face and eyes. 

"So are you ok? Did you ever go back to see the doctor?" Eric asked anxious to know that she was ok.

"Yes I got a good report; I can have lots more babies only I wont be having any with you," she said sarcastically.

Eric ignored her comment. "You know we could try again for a baby; we could start right now," he said with a smile that made Tanya wonder if this was said in jest or if he was serious.

"I wanted the baby.....we lost Eric; can you give him back to me," she asked.

He closed his eyes. He knew she wanted to say the baby he had her aborted.  And he was glad that she used the word lost instead. 

"No I can't, I wish that I could," he said rather sadly. 

Tanya burst into tears, got out from the bed and hurried to the bathroom. They could not talk about the baby without breaking down but at least they tried and Eric was hopeful.

Eric thought that it was time life got back to normal for them.  And he thought the Business Men yearly gala coming up was the best place to start.   After much persuasion from Eric with the help of her aunt, Tanya decided to attend the business men Gala with Eric. This was an annual event hosted by one of the prominent business men in the area....a somewhat meet and greet for the business men and their family members.  

Eric and Tanya walked in holding hands and Daphne looked at them and smiled.  It was a black tie event and they were the most stunning couple at that event, he so hansom and dapper in his tux and she so innocent but seductively beautiful in her gown.  All the women stared at them and the men gravitated towards them on the pretext of wanting to talk business  but Eric knew that they just wanted to get a closer look at Tanya. 

Daphne  greeted Eric and Tanya. She looked them up and down and nodded her head in approval. It was Eric's and Tanya's first outing in public as a couple. Daphne asked if everything was back to normal and Eric looked at his wife and answered that they were getting there. Tanya smiled tightlipped.  she was back home almost two weeks with Eric but things were far from back to normal.  Eric still slept on the couch and there was still little conversation between them and very little that they could agree on. 

Eric wondered what Daphne was doing there at the gala when she was not a business man or even married to one. He was sure that she was screwing one or a few of the business men there. Daphne was Tanya's aunt and Tanya worshipped her aunt but the woman had a reputation and she was like a mentor to Tanya and Eric didn't like that at all. He hoped her influence with men did not rub off on Tanya. 

The media was just hovering around taking pictures and asking the couple all sort of personal questions about the upcoming case. Eric told Tanya not to respond to any questions from the media. 

Eric's parents walked over to Eric and Tanya. His father politely nodded his head at Tanya and his mother gave Eric a kiss and told him that Mila was at the party. She completely ignored Tanya as if she was not even there. Tanya felt so uncomfortable and out of place. Eric seeing what was happening, quickly excused himself, took Tanya by the hand  and walked away.  "Fuck," Eric said.  If he knew that  Mila was going to be there, he would have passed on this years gala, Eric thought. 

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