Chapter 24. Keep It Real

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The  day after Christmas  is Boxing day. This is a big holiday on the island after the colonial tradition. It is a beach day with lots of parties, a day when families get together to have fun. Tanya's entire family got ready to head out to the beach for Daphne's yearly bash. Tanya decided that she was not going.  She needed time to think how she would tell her parents about her marriage to Eric.  She didn't know how to even bring up the subject.   She was terrified that she would loose her entire family if  they found out about her and  Eric.  They would make her choose, them or Eric.   She could not see herself living without Eric.  It didn't matter what her decision was, someone would be hurt....she most of all.

Aunt Daphne walked into Tanya's  room and inquired why Tanya was still in her robe. Tanya showed her the rings and the woman was speechless.  She just stood with her mouth opened and stared at the rings.

"Aunty?" Tanya called.

"This boy is full of surprises; that is all me can say," Daphne finally responded.

Tanya explained to her aunt her dilemma. Tanya told her that she was not going with the family to the beach party. Her aunt said no way she was leaving Tanya at home.

"Do you have some plan you not telling me about?" Aunt Daphne asked with a wink.

Tanya knew she was talking about Eric. "No I have no plan," Tanya said.

"Gal go put you clothes on and let us go," her aunt insisted.

Tanya hesitated.

"Go on and change you clothes; I will wait for you," her aunt said. 

Eric knew the Johnsons usually go to Daphne's beach bash on Boxing day . So he decided to check it out  with some of his friends to see if he ran into Tanya.  She was missing in action since Christmas Eve, when he gave her the wedding rings.   Eric saw the entire family there but no Tanya. He wondered what was going on. Where was she? He did not want to intrude. He saw Aunt Daphne, but she was busy, at the bar as usual. He didn't feel like bothering her. And besides, Tanya's father was standing right next to Daphne. Eric knew quite well how Mr. Johnson felt about him.  Eric turned to leave and there was Tanya standing under a tree talking to that same guy that was at her house. She was wearing the most sexy two piece bathing attire and Eric felt so jealous, no angry was more like it.

Eric walked toward them with blood in his eyes. He was not wearing swimming trunks so Tanya knew right away that he was not there for the beach party but to make trouble. 

"I hate to break up this cozy little party but I need to talk to you," Eric said trying hard not to lose his cool. 

"Eric you remember Brian? He and his parents are friends of our family and they are visiting for the holiday," Tanya said trying to explain to Eric that nothing was going on with her and Brian. 

"Eric Willbrooks? of course, I remember you," Brian said.

Eric didn't remember him and didn't care to. Eric couldn't miss that she never told the guy who he was to her. Eric said hello then turn to Tanya.

"I need to talk to you; may I?" Eric said between gritted teeth. He was getting very angry and he knew it was not pretty when he was angry.

Tanya excused herself and looked around to ensure her parents didn't see her with Eric. "What the fuck is going on?" Eric said when they were alone.

 "Nothing ; how could you even think something could be going on after what we shared these past few days?" she asked getting annoyed at him. He closed his eyes and took a calming breath. 

"I know, I don't know what is happening to me; I am sorry," he said as he tried to calm down. She turned to walk away, but he grabbed her by the arm.

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