Chapter 64

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Warning: although I re-read and edited the chapter, I'm sure they're still mistakes and some misspellings here and there that I failed to notice. Please notify me when you see something wrong.
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We finally decide that maybe the werewolf territory is off the table and the vampire territory although safe, is predictable and would make it easier for that psychopath, who ever he is, to find me.

So, we finally decided to disguise ourselves and blend in in order to hide in the human world. We thought that it would be the last place that bastard would look for me. We also decide to take a sleeping Javier with me since Casper will be to busy cleaning my tracks to take care of him.

It's been a few days since then and Noel and I are finally comfortable in the small cottage almost isolated from the rest of the human world in a small town.

"I've just got of the phone with Alia. She wants to know where we are."

"Did you tell her?" I ask as he sits on the couch and leans back closing his eyes.

"No. The less people know, the better." he says and after a while, he continues, "I don't want to put her in danger and she understands that it needs to be done."

"You could've stayed with your mate you know. She's pregnant."

He opens one eye to peek at me, "She's not the one whose life is in danger."

"I know but she's pregnant. She'll needs you more than I do."

"Someone needs to stay with you while Casper finds a way to clean up this mess."

"Do you really hate Casper?"

"Not really, but he keeps letting you do dumb things even when you're it puts you in danger. The last thing I want, is you hurt."

"I'm sure he wants that too."

"Doesn't seem like it." He mutters.

"How did all this—" He waves his hand around, "—happen?"

"I honestly don't know."

"The ones suffering the most are these innocent kids." He shudders.

"He has to be a monster if he's okay with hurting kids."

"When I find him, I'm going to beat him to a pulp for even thinking of trying to hurt you."

"I really hate this." I let out a small breath and rub my shoulders, "I want you all to meet Maxine when this is over and hopefully have her be a permanent fixture in our family."

Noel stays silent for a while before he speaks, "I can't believe we have an elder sister." He sounds like he's in disbelief.

"You two would get along well I just know it." Noel throws a scarf to me and I wrap it around myself, "I just wish I could call and tell her that I'm okay. I'm sure news have spread that I'm wanted by now and she's worried about me."

We stay in silence for a while and my stomach lets out a growl.

"Are you hungry?"

"Not really"

He starts getting up from the couch. He's already large enough in this small living room but he seems larger as he squeezes behind the armchair to reach for his coat.

"I'm not all that hungry, you don't have to go buy food."

"Don't worry, I don't mind." He puts on his coat and looks out the window. "It's not that late, I'm just going to the nearby store. I'll be back before it gets darker."

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