Chapter 50

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"I have a big feeling that we're dealing with shadows here." I say and look at everyone in the room. "This is confidential information but I think this situation calls for transparency."

Alpha Harry, Luna Nina, Maxine, Beta Gideon, Fabian and I are in alpha Harry's office picking up from our conversations last night. It needed to be dealt with immediately before it got out of hand. Even vampires that are practically immortal were being killed mysteriously. This is more serious than we thought.

Fabian looks at me, "what do you mean?"

"What we're dealing with here is shadows. Before Oracle Dakota died, we were investigating them. Shadows are creatures that we are yet to know more about. The little information we have, does us no good. We don't know how they came about, what they do, how they feed, their habitats or just anything at all. We only know that they're scared of fire."

"How do you know they exist? Have they attacked you?"

I took a deep breath, should they know this? "Javier, my son is a descendant from a Phoenix and he has been a main target for their attacks. We have reasons to believe that they're probably looking for other children descended from powerful beings. We have a child who is the direct descendent of the moon goddess in our care, her life is also in danger. They're probably the cause of Luna Adrianna's death."

"You mean the former Luna?"

"Yes. No one knows how or if she died but we know that they are responsible for it." the only person that did know was her son who had his memories wiped.

"Javier doesn't know that does he?" Maxine asked with a sigh.

"He believes she died during birth and it's for his own good."

"What do you mean by they're probably looking for children of direct descendant of powerful beings."

"I don't know what they want with them but the two know victims that are alive are children of powerful beings. We most probably need to find the other kids before it's too late. They are fucking dangerous because we don't know anything about them and are not to be messed with and maybe—just maybe, Dakota knew something about it before she died." I don't tell them that we think she was killed.

"What if they're is something bigger than the shadows? Someone in the background controlling everything." Max says.

"What do you mean?"

"What if these creatures were born from an experiment or a spell gone wrong, they are definitely no know records of their existence. How come they just appear now? Someone must have brought them."

To be honest, it could be true that there's someone behind all this but I couldn't think they could a creature strong enough to summon a whole race of mysterious supernaturals. Not even witches could accomplish that, their powers were limited.

"Whatever those things are need to be investigated now and fast. We don't have time to wait around. My men are dying and soon they will spread and threaten the existence of other beings. And if they start attacking humans, It's going to be a shit show." Fabian says.

"Don't you think it's better to contact the king."

"We are keeping it low for now, we can't disturb the royals. They have other things to worry about."

Beta Gideon clears his throat before speaking, "We are all at risk. We can't have so many people die before the royal family is informed. Surely the safety of the people is important."

"I'll see if I can contact Casper to reach them. In the mean time, is there any way we could contact any witch in existence? They might know something about it."

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