chapter 25

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"Noel, I have to go." I declare and let out a sigh of frustration when he doesn't seem to want to hang up.

"I haven't talked to you in weeks, Is it wrong to want to hear my sisters voice?"

I frown, "Considering the fact that I've been on the phone with you for over an hour and I have somewhere important to be—then yes, yes it is wrong."

He grumbles under his breath as I enter the kitchen to see Alpha Casper in the kitchen whipping up Mac and cheese.

I stop in my tracks and he stop stirring when he sees me. We look at each other for a few seconds with Noel yelling into the phone . He clears his throat and we break eye contact. Ever since I found out that alpha Casper's wolf is a potential threat to me—I've been avoiding him. It's been a few days since we last spoke.


I shake my head and go to the fridge, ignoring Aloha Casper's gaze, "I'm still here Noel."

"Have you told our grandparents we'll be coming for Christmas? It's September, what are you going to do about your apartment?"

"Yes I have and I don't know, I might be here till next year. We'll see. I'll call the landlord later."

"Okay then. Love you. Bye." I hang up and tuck my phone in the back pocket of my jeans.

I take my yogurt out of the fridge and shut it before turning around and smacking into someone. I stare at the tight T-shirt clad chest in front of me and trail my gaze upwards. My eyes meet the face of a very disapproved alpha Casper.

"I don't know if you noticed but you're in my way." I say and move to the left but he follows my movement. I move to the right and he follows suite. This goes on for a while and I change the pattern and move right instead of left which make him move to the left and I use that chance to escape. He grabs my arm and swings me back to the cage me between him and the fridge. He slams his hands against the fridge beside each side of my head. I lean into the fridge as he leans closer, just praying that the fridge would swallow me up.

"You've been avoiding me."

I look everywhere but at him, "I am not. We've not just been in the same place at the same time."

"Is that so? Do I make you uncomfortable? Scared?"

I scoff, "Of course not."

He grabs my jaw and forces me to look at him, " I preferred it when you used to defy me. I don't like how things are."

"I don't care about what you prefer." I snap, looking at him and his lips curve into a smirk. I look away hoping that I'm nit blushing.

He has a predatory look in his eyes as he looks at me and I swallow, "That's my girl. There you are." He says softly and my knees almost buckle. My wolf and I really appreciate the way his voice seems to caress me.

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