Extra 2

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Hasn't been proofread yet, sorry for the mistakes
(Noel's POV)
I glance warily at my two sisters behind me, they both nod and Quinn gives me a huge thumbs up while Faye makes a shooing motion with her hand.

"Go on", she mouths.

I look at the door in front of me and take a deep breath to muster up some courage but it doesn't work.

Faye and Quinn grab me as I hurriedly try to walk past them in an escape attempt, "you're not going anywhere. Do. It" Faye hisses as she and Quinn start pushing me back to the door.

I dig the heel of my feet into the ground immediately halting our movements.

"Why can't any of you two do it?"

"First of all, it was your idea", Faye grunts trying to pull me by my wrist but I wasn't bulging. She stops and glares at me, "second, you're her twin brother, she'd most likely listen to you"

"And last of all, you have the most balls amongst the three of us. The moon goddess knows that I can't talk to ody like this and neither can Faye", Quinn concludes the argument. They both fold their arms side by side glaring at me and if I didn't know better, I'd have thought that they were twins.

I raise my hands up in surrender, "okay-okay, I'll do it. But only because I'm concerned about odetta and not because you two forced me too"

"We're right behind you", Faye whispers.

They run behind me and stay a safe distance from the door to Ody's room and I. I roll my eyes at them and make my way to the door.

"Hey ody", I whisper as I knock lightly on her door.

I don't hear an answer and knock again but this time, it's louder.

There's silence for a few seconds and when I raise my fist to knock on her door for the third time, I hear a muffled groan, "go away Noel"

Funny of her to assume that I would listen to her. I scoff, "we both know that I'm not doing that"

There's silence and I turn back to look at Faye and Quinn who are even much farther from me than earlier. Quinn smiles and gives me a go-on nod.

I don't even have a moment to turn my head to the front when the door violently swings open. Odetta is standing in front of me and glaring at me like I'm the most hateful thing in the world.

"I told you to leave", her voice is dripping with annoyance and anger.

"We-" I briefly glance behind me to see Faye and Quinn are long gone, I let out a sigh and rub the bridge of my nose before hanging my head, "I was worried about you and just came to check up on you"

She doesn't say anything for a moment and I raise my head to see that she's no longer as angry as before and has her arms wrapped around her.

"I'm—" she shrugs while tracing patterns with her foot on the floor "fine"


"Mom said no swearing", I hear Quinn's voice remind from her hiding place around the corner.

We both ignore her and odetta continues, "I think I'm fine"

"You think?"

She nods and pauses, looking like she's deep in thoughts before continuing, "I don't know. I guess I'm fine"

"You're not"

She looks at me and gives me a small smile, "I really am"

I lean and flick her forehead, "you should know that you can't lie to me by now. We shared a womb, there's nothing you can keep from me"

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