Valentine's day special

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Please read the author's note at the end of the story and happy Valentine's Day.😊
Warning:this chapter is so unedited and cringy😩
I just pray that this goes well.

I steady myself as I climb down the ladder with the empty basket in a hand.

"You shouldn't be doing that,it's dangerous," Sebastian says as he takes the basket from me and carry me from the ladder to carefully steady me on my feet on the ground.

"I am not disabled Sebastian," I roll my eyes at him but he just gives me a firm look.

"You know you're....."

I put my fingers to his lips, "don't fucking jinx it," I tell him. Now it's his turn to roll his eyes at me, "you believe in jinx?" He scoffs.

"Right now I believe in everything,"

"And yet you choose to climb tall ladders,"

"I need this to be perfect for him," I say as I look over what I've prepared for Valentine's Day dinner. Sebastian, Anne, Isabella and Victor all helped me decorating this perfect dinner under the stars at the backyard of our house.

Just then, Javier comes running out of the house towards me.

"Mom we need to get a cat,"

"Where did you get that idea from now?" I say and glare at victor who comes strolling out behind Javier with a smirk.

"Don't look at me ody," He chuckles and raises his hand in surrender.

I pinch the bridge of my nose between my thumb and forefinger before looking at Javier whose green eyes are wide and expectant. His cuteness should definitely be illegal.

"We can't get a cat baby," I tell him and I swear I could hear my heart break when he tears up a little.


"Because I have a surprise for you today" I tell him.

"Is it a cat?"

I shake my head and his head lowers in disappointment, "but I promise you that your surprise is way better than any cat,"

He looks unconvinced, "Nothing is cooler that a cat, but you promise I'll like it?"

"I promise you'll love it," I say as I take his small hand in mine and walk towards the house.

We're in the kitchen where I'm preparing a peanut butter, pickle and mayonnaise sandwich for myself and microwaving a plate of Mac and cheese for Javier.

"When is dad coming?"

"Well he's coming this afternoon but you'll see during dinner,"

He pouts, "why?"

"Because we'll be–"I clear my throat with a blush, "–busy"

"Is it really important?"

"Yes it is but I promise we'll be right back," I almost moan out but I just nod. A part of me feels so bad for delaying Javier form seeing his father for just a few hours.

I take a bite from the bowl of Mac and cheese I microwaved for Javier. My face contours into one of disgust before I dump the food in the bin.

"Is my cooking that bad?"

He gives a boyish grin and shrugs. "Don't worry, dad'll be here soon to make food for you but for now we're going out," He hops off the counter with a smile on his face as he follows.

"Isabella is going to lunch with Anne and I, we're going out to eat lunch, wanna come?"

"We're coming," I hear Sebastian shout and a few seconds later, he arrives in he kitchen breathing heavily with Anne in his arms bridal style. "You're paying right?"

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