chapter 26

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I wake up with a big smile on my face. I try and fail miserably to suppress the laugh bubbling up in my throat. I jump out of bed and run to the mirror.

Last night was incredible. We didn't do anything much. We just kissed and talked till maybe till the early hours of the morning. Who knew Casper could be so sweet and patient and gentle. He's just been getting on my nerves this past few months for no reason. I slap my cheeks to stop my blushing self but I doesn't work. I giggle a bit and skip to the shower.

I hum a tune as I shower. Them, I dress in something casual since I'd be meeting of with Dakota later. As I brushed my hair, I keep on reminiscing about last night's event. I remember how he looked as I straddled him. His lips red and swollen. How he smiled and listened to me. How excited he seemed to share stories about his childhood with me. But I remember how his face falls when we talk about our parents and I remind myself not to probe him about it.

I look at the time on my wrist watch. It's almost eleven in the morning. They must have had breakfast. I go down the stairs to kitchen and open the fridge to see what I can whip up when I hear Isabella shout, her voice far away.

"is that you odetta?"

"Yeah." I shout back as I scan the fridge.

"There's already breakfast in the dinning room and we're all here."

They are all here includes Casper. Oh my. I try to purse my lips and fake indifference but a smile breaks out followed by small giggles. I swallow and bite my lips before deciding to step into the dining room.

"Morning ody." Javier says and continues rambling to Isabella. I avoid Casper's gaze when I feel his eyes on me. It's hot here all of a sudden.

I sit beside Javier which is opposite Isabella "Morning Javier."

"He can't shut up about your grandparents."

I laugh and smile at Isabella, "They loved him too. He charmed the pants of them."

"And they gave me so much cookies." He turns to me, "Can we go again today? Please."

"Not today." His face falls. "But I promise to take you very soon."

That seems to satisfy him and turns to Isabella to continue the story of his adventure with my grandparents. I share a look with Isabella and we both burst out laughing. I reach to place two French toast on my plate.

"So ody—where were you last night?"

I hesitate mid-air then snap out of my trance before clearing my throat and carefully place the French toast on my plate. "What do you mean?"

"You know what's funny? I heard you leave and assumed you went to grab a midnight snack but you never returned."

"I went to check up in Javier and ended up staying there for a while."

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