Chapter 67

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Warning: although I re-read and edited the chapter, I'm sure they're still mistakes and some misspellings here and there that I failed to notice. Please notify me when you see something wrong.
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The next time I open my eyes, I'm met with white. I try to rack my brain for my location and the events that occurred prior to this moment but I'm met with pain and I wince.

It seems my sense of hearing suddenly comes to me because I start to hear a loud continuous beep. My neck hurts as I move my head to the side.

I see Casper sitting beside me but he's asleep. His blonde hair is scattered and he has a sight stubble. Relief washes over me when I don't see any sign of physical harm on him and I let the tears flow. He seems to sense that I'm awake and he opens his eyes.

"Don't speak." He immediately murmurs as I try to open my mouth.

He gives me a pained smile as he lightly squeezes the hand that he is holding and I give a weak squeeze back.

"I'm so glad that you're okay. You almost died, the poison was too powerful. We thought you weren't going to make it." He whispers as tears stream down his face and his shoulders tremble a bit.

I want to hold him but every little move I make hurts so I just offer him a weak smile and press our foreheads together.

We stay like that in silence for a while but he looks at me again, this time he with a solemn expression, "we lost the baby."

My heart breaks, we didn't even get to know the gender of the baby. Albeit sad, it's wasn't surprising. I had a terrible feeling that what I felt sliding down my thigh wasn't something good. I had tried to prepare my self mentally for the news but no amount of preparation could help with the sudden pain and disappointment I felt. I failed my baby, I failed to keep them safe, I failed to protect them.

"Javier is doing amazing. He's at your grandparents place. He has been there while l stay with you. Although he visits occasionally."

I remember Noel and Panic sets in. I want to ask about Noel and I open my mouth but no words come out. I remember that I might be able to mind link him, maybe he did hear those messages I kind linked to him and that's how he found me.

'And Noel?'

He's silent for a while and I think that maybe he didn't get the question.

"He's alive but his condition is much worse. He lost a leg and even though he's been asleep for the past week, he not showing signs of waking up."

I close my eyes. It's all my fault. I didn't help sooner. If I had turned back or taken him with me then or waken up from that dream state earlier, maybe those shadows wouldn't have gotten a hold of him .

"I can see what you're doing but I need you to know that it's not your fault."

He fishes out a bottle of water from the carrier bag on the table beside me. He gets me to sit up and even  though he tries being careful, I still flinch at the pain.

The water feels like heaven going down my throat and I feel my voice coming back. He then feeds me his home made lasagna as he fills me up on what's been going since I've been asleep a whole week.

Casper and his men though with many casualties, won the battle with the shadows and the bastard whose name is Adam, a human who had his family killed in a fight between werewolves and vampires. They manage to keep him alive and he confessed sending his shadows to kill mason as well as his many other crimes. Without a master to follow, the remaining shadows went on a rampage and it took a while to get them under control. They're still out there but they're not hurting anyone. We still have to eradicate them all, who knows how long it'll take.

It turns out that Adam has stolen the powers of a pure witch in hiding after he'd killed her with the help of alexa's father. The shadows needed to be fed and get stronger. How else but the souls of the most powerful supernatural beings. And what other easy targets but the child descendants of these beings. Alexa knows that her mother killed herself when she found out about her father's plan since he couldn't use a tainted Alexa.

Casper and I talk for a while before I get sleepy again. I rub my eyes and he strokes my hair as he urges me to sleep while he reads a books and promises that he'll be right there beside me when I wake up. I express my discontent and he kisses me, "Come on, don't be a baby about this."

I pout a bit, "I'm not sleepy, I just woke up. I want to spend more time with you."

"I promise you that i will be right here. Sitting on this chair when you wake up okay?" The look and small smile he gives me is so tender that I reluctantly agree.

He pecks my forehead and I fall asleep with his hands in mine with the loving atmosphere as an extra blanket.

This time when I go to sleep, I don't have terrifying dreams nor do I have malicious encounters with Adam. This is most probably the first decent sleep I've gotten in weeks.

I wake up to a heavy feeling by my side and I open my eyes to see Javier curled to my side. A small smile makes it way unto my face as I stare at him while he sleeps for a while. His cheeks are a bit rosy and I notice that his eyes look a bit red, he must have been crying all these time but he looks like he's in good health.

I lay like that for a while before he slowly open his eyes and when they adjust to me, he immediately throws himself at me, "Mommy."

"It's okay javi. I'm here." I try to reassure him as he cries.

He pulls back and I smile at his chubby face. Tears sliding down his cheeks and snot running down his nose, "I thought you wouldn't wake up."

"Never." I wipe his tears, "I made a promise to you didn't I little one."

He nods.

"I'll never leave you. No matter what happens,I'll always come back to okay? Don't ever doubt or forget that."

He nods and sniffs while wiping his snot with the sleeves of his shirt. Casper stops him and takes a tissue to wipe his nose instead.

"I heard about the baby." He looks down shyly before looking up at me and takes my face in his cute hands.

My heart drops, "oh. Javier I'm so—", I start to say to apologize but he he cuts me off.

He hugs me again, "It's alright mummy. I don't need a little sister now. We can have her later okay?"

Tears well up in my eyes, threatening to spill if Javier says any other kind word and I look to Casper, "It isn't your fault and no matter what happens, it won't change how much we love you."

Casper's words are the breaking point and hug Javier tighter as I let the tears slide down my cheeks finally crying.

Javier pulls back and wipes my tears, "It's okay mommy, we're here."

I hug him tight and just ask myself how I landed such a beautiful family.
5:15 am on the 27th of October.

The second writing and editing of bittersweet completed. I'm honestly so proud of my self for doing and I really hope you like and appreciate this too.

I love you all so much.

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