chapter 15

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"For the last time Mum, I'm okay." I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"Are you sure you don't want us to come over?" Mum asks.

"Mum she said she's okay. Let her be." Faye says in the background.

I laugh, "Alia and Quinn already came over yesterday with a bunch of junk food and we talked so I'm pretty sure I'm alright. You can ask them if you want to be sure."

"And Sebastian?"

"He is doing a good job of protecting me. One month and three days no harm." I've been counting

"Okay."  she sighs, "I love you. Please take care of your yourself. Bye." She reluctantly hangs up.

I tuck my phone in the pocket of my jeans and go to my room before putting on sneakers and a throwing on a random top. I pick up my keys.

"Are you ready Sebastian?" I ask as I lock the door to my apartment and turn to the smiling guard.

He nods, "are we going to that place we went to last week?"

"Yes." I sigh and I feel really hungry, "How could we not? they have the best pancakes and acai bowls in the whole universe." I gush.

"Oh I can't wait." he says and we enter the elevator.

Since my parents insisted Sebastian come with me for protection, my days have gotten less boring. This last few years was torture for since I had no friends and cut of from my family. Sebastian has become my only friend for the past month and it feels nice having someone fun around. I tried not to think about my parents paying him to be here at at first but it seems like he does enjoy my company.

We have this weekly Wednesday ritual were a small restaurant, ten minutes from my apartment, have a breakfast special. We've never missed a week. Not once. A sacred event, if i do say so myself. We leave the elevators and head straight out the doors into the busy street.

I lived in the castle surrounded by woods and hardly other people in sight. It was a nice change to come to the city bustling with activity, I might've actually moved for a different reason but the city grew on me.

It takes longer than ten minutes for us to reach the restaurant since Sebastian and I decided to take the longer route. We enter and walk over to the counter, the red haired who served us last week and who I suspected has a crush on Sebastian smiled at us—well more of Sebastian than me.

"Welcome, Should I get you our Wednesday special?" She asks still smiling at Sebastian.

He nods as I let out a yes which I'm sure she doesn't hear and she writes in a notepad before we go to sit in a booth.

"She has a crush on you Sebastian." I tease and he rolls his eyes.

"I'm not here for a relationship, I'm here to protect you."

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