Chapter 16: Grand Visit

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Just 7 more days of training for fairy tail and Tsuhimes guardians to fight in the up coming ring war and todays training was fighting Zeref and Natsu which made everyone question how in the hell were they going to win!? Even Wendy was question it a bit.

Natsu: You guys done well making it this far but don't worry it won' just be you guys trying to beat us you will have Fon and Skull on your team to make it more even since you beat them they are officially on your team.

Wendy: I thought the arcobaleno were stronger though won't they just beat you?

Tsuhime: While you are correct Wendy they are stronger but Natsu and Zeref are actually stronger than both Fon and Skull and especially at their full power.

Fon: Hm we may have to give up our Acrobaleno position than.

Natsu: Nah I don't even want to be one if anything I said I will work for Tsuhime in the CEDEF since her pathetic of a father can't really do anything anymore.

Skull: Thank god I thought I would be losing the only thing that makes me special...

Happy: While I don't doubt that they are strong isn't having us all of us with Fon and Skull fighting them unfair?

Tsuhime: Hm maybe you are right...

Natsu: Tsu what are you thinking...

Tsuhime just gave a evil smirk and looked at Byakuran and Enma and his family.

Tsuhime: You guys will be joining Natus team.

Erza: Happy...when this is over I will burn all your fish.


Byakuran: Hm I'm up for a fight been a while since I had a good one.

Enma: If it's for training than I won't hold back!

Suzuki: Don't think you will be alone we won't hold you back.

Tsuhime: And for the final piece I will also be fighting~

Natsu: Huh!?

Tsuhime: Natsu we only 7 days left not really enough time and this ring war that we are getting involved in won't just be a 1 v 1 it will be an all out battle between Vongola and CEDEF.

Zeref: And while you guys may have some members from different guilds to help we will still be out numbered.

Tsuhime: And this will be good training even if they don't beat us it will be enough to get them to the level of the current Vongola guardians.

Natsu: Hm I see your point alright than everyone you heard my wife! These 7 days we will fight onyl way you will win if you knock as all out!

Tsuhime: I will even say this if you beat even one of us the next day they won't fight they will sit out so it's best you try to take out the weakest before the strongest because they will become annoying real fast for example Enma if you would.

Enma activated his dying will flame and began crushing everyone with his gravity manipulation.

Enma: First test try to get up from this and every hour you fail to get up I will double the gravity till you are all out for the count.

Gray: This is nuts! I barely even move my damn arms!

Kagura: Now I see why Tsuhime was able to with stand my attack this is a lot worst!

Tsuhime: Try to find the weakness you guys each move and each attack has one.

Byakuran: Well this may take a while since they aren't use to Enma gravity change like you Tsuhime.

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