Chapter 18: War

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Tsuhime and everyone at the guild were getting their gear ready their box weapons rings you name it even other people who offered to help came in ready to fight themselves.

Tsuhime: Well the day came...i'm kinda nervous Natsu.

Natsu: Don't worry we will win Tsu and we will live our happy life here with our kids.

Tsuhime: Yeah...Yeah we will.

Erza: And we will celebrate with strawberry cake!

Gray: Why cake?


Tsuhime: Erza i'll do you this beat my brother and I will make you strawberry cake for a whole 5 years.

Erza eye were now bright red with a hint of death in them.

Laxus: I'm scared....

Mira: You said it.

Gajeel: Hold me shrimp.

Levy: Why me!? Also why are you scared!?

Tsuhime: Now everyone...I know this is something you ever expected hell you guys barely know me but I see this guild as my home and I love it this is the place where I want my little Igneel to grow up so please lend me your help to win this dumb ring war and end this.

Everyone raised their fist up high and cheered.

Makarov: Tsuhime my younger daughter I may not have known you for so long but the time we've spent together has been special you really are part of the fairy tail family and the true face of what it should be.

Tsuhime: Thank you master.

Makarov: Please Tsu call me Makarov.

Tsuhime: Ok Makarov thank you so much for accepting me, me and my family.

Makarov: Wouldn't have it any other way especially with the fact even if I tried everyone in the guild will murder me...

Natsu: Not if I do it first...

Tsuhime giggled and just looked at her mother who was holding little Igneel she like seeing her mother happy even more seeing her son happy but she can never forget what the future Igneel wanted his little sister and well she really hoped she could make it for him after this shit show.

Natsu: Alright Tsu we are ready lets end this nightmare and come back home.

Tsuhime: Yeah Byakuran set up the portal seems like this battle will be at the Vongola mansion...

Byakuran: Understood.

Tsuhime: And everyone...if things get to serious if you are at the brink of death please...just leave i refuse to see anyone in my family die...

Sting: No one is dying and i'm sure as hell not since I have to make up for what I have done!

Jellal: We will repay for what you have done for us Tsuhime so don't worry about us we will take care of ourselves you just focus on that thing you call a brother and father.

Natsu: Sorry but that sperm donor is my target.

Erza: I will take out the brother since I want that cake!

Tsuhime: I'm fine with that since i don't see him as a threat if anything i'm pretty sure Romeo can easily take him out the one who i'm after is Reborn and Bermuda those two are a bigger threat than anyone there but the one who i'm more worried about if he does join them is Checker Face I don't even think I match him in power...

Byakuran: I believe you do Tsu while he has been alive for what millions of years?

Lucy: Excuse me?

Zeref: I can relate go on.

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