Chapter 15: Training Time Again!

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2 days have passed since the Vongola came into the Fairy Tail Universe and 2 days since they begun their training and so far it wasn't going so well Skull and Fon were able to keep their pacifiers on them no one even came close to taking it the only people who really have made progress are Natsu and Zeref training with Tsuhime Zeref got better with his flames his night flames Natsu on the other hand found had training with his box weapon at one point he actually went berserk and tried to attack both Tsuhime and Zeref but Tsuhime was able to calm him down with his Sun flame but Tsuhime and Zeref knew one thing is Natsu is able to control his box weapon correctly well nobody in the guild nor anyone in her own universe would be able to stop him Tsuhime barely could but she managed but now something ran through her mind if Natsu and her are this strong how would her son in the future he she seen future Igneel fight and she was strong for a kid even having King Dragon slayer mode something Natsu struggle to get but he used so easily so Tsuhime knew if anyone were to take over the Vongola it will be her son in the future well if he wants to that the case he won't forced it upon him like it's force upon her.

Tsuhime: Well for 2 day you guys have made pretty good progress Natsu we need to help you control that box weapon or else he will just be stuck within you forever.

Natsu: I'm trying jeez not as easy as it looks it's like it has a mind of its own and does whatever it can to take over.

Zeref: Well we will just have to keep trying than my question is how are the others holding up...

Byakuran: Well everyone isn't doing so hot they haven't even manage to take one pacifier from one of them

Enma: Believe it or not Lucy came in really close but you know how Fon is.

Tsuhime: Yep those two won't make it easy for any of them even when I had to catch Fon when he was small it was hard Hibari was the one that really "helped" me as you could say by beating me up at the time.

Zeref and Natsu: HE WHAT!?

Tsuhime: Ok i'll defend him once I did look a lot like a boy during that time even wore the male uniform.

Yuni: I always questioned why you did that but you just didn't want to get attention because you were so freaking adorable still are.

Tsuhime: You're are one to talk about being adorable my little sky arcobaleno~

Yuni: Tsuhime...

Byakuran: Just accept it Yuni Tsuhime at this point is basically you mother as  well.

Tsuhime: I'm everyones mother Byakuran even your's now.

Byakuran: Wait I didn't agree to this you're my little sister remember!?

Tsuhime: I've upgraded myself i'm your mother now, now get over here and give mama some love.

Byakuran just started backing away a bit only for Tsuhime to start chasing him around making everyone laugh even Gamma started to chuckle Natsu who was holding Igneel was just clapping his hands together laughing as well as for the others well they weren't having a happy time.

Erza: I've got you this time Fon!

Fon just grabbed Erzas incoming sword between his finger just smirking as he kneed Erza in her stomach breaking her armor and round house kicked her sending her flying into a mine field Wendy fighting Skull wasn't doing any damage Skull really has become someone stronger but his defense is the best perk he has because even with all of them attacking together Skull stood there with only a scratch on his helmet but he was standing there with a scary smile that made everyone back away well except for Wendy no matter what she fought.

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