Chapter 14: War

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Everyone in fairy tail had the Vongola group all tied up even Reborn couldn't escape as for Tsuhime she stay near Natsu and her new family as they got really protective with her even Makarov was ready to smash the Vongola with his magic.

Natsu: Now tell me what the flying hell are you doing here Vongola in our universe.

Gokudera: Tch like you have the right to know.

Gray quickly put his boot on Gokudera face and gave him a death stare Tsuhime was about to stop him but Natsu held her back and shook his head he knew how caring Tsuhime even against her enemies but this had to be done.

Gray: We do have a right to know since you dare come into OUR universe and try to take OUR sky.

Gokudera: She was our sky before-

Erza: Before you abandoned her and left her with no friends because you thought this idiot was worthy of being your sky.

Erza throws Kai towards the Vongola she sort of pulled him aside and well tutored him like Tsuhime does.

Mira: I'm guessing you used-

Erza: I most definitely used "that" Mira.

Mira: My girl!

Kai: You damn bitch I will have you-

Tsuhime this time slapped him not even allowing him to even dare finish that sentence with kids around.

Tsuhime: Shut it you poor excuse of a sky the only reason you're still alive is because I still don't enjoy killing like you.

Yamamoto: Tsuhime please allow us to beg for forgiveness we weren't in the right mind we don't even know what happened after the day we met Kai our minds just went blank that day.

Mukuro: He's right even I didn't know what I was doing Vongola Decimo.

Hibari: Tch even I was taken over...

Tsuhime: Stop it just stop it it doesn't matter if even if you were taken over you're telling me after everything we've been through you just allowed to be taken over so easily not one of you even tried to fight back it was only until Natsu and I beat the evil version of Rouge you guys finally came to your scenes it took your past selves to finally see the mistake you've made!

Everyone in the Vongola just looked away in shame Mukuro tried to get Chrome to help him out but she looked away in disappointment.

Kai: Heh funny thing is they had all the rights to break free from my control but guess what they never did in their mind all they thought about was about the Vongola family to them that was more important not once did they think of you of course that other shitty mist did breaking her free all they had to do was think of you just once and boom things would have been back to normal but this just goes to show Tsuhime even from the very beginning you had no one! ONLY PAWNS WHO ONLY WANTED TO BE PART OF THE VONGOLA!

Tsuhime actually started to tear up a bit hearing that all her life she really thought she had real friends but no it just hit her like a train she was still alone from the very beginning Byakuran saw this and had enough as he grabbed Kai by his face ready to kill him himself he knew Tsuhime would be upset in him but he rather have her upset at him than to ever see her cry again Natsu didn't even stop him he wanted this as well since Kai doesn't deserve to live but just as Byakuran was about to finish him off he felt a punch land right on his face sending him flying into the bar Tsuhime saw the person who did it and just stared in shock.

Tsuhime: D-Dad?

Lemitsu: Get your hands of my son.

Yuni: How did-

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