Chapter 4: The Games begin

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Tsuhime and Natsu have been training the gang for a while now and honestly Tsuhime was impressed only in 5 days they were able to handle a bit of the training that she had to go through she taught them how to use their flames too to better use Erza was able to use her flame with her sword only for a bit since she still wasn't use to the flame the other were in the same boat as well well Juvia and Lucy were different Juvia was use to the water so the rain flame was kind if simple for her to use and Tsuhime even teaching Lucy how to control Hyper Dying will mode better and she was impressed with how she got use to the flame and managed to send it to her whip.

Tsuhime: Perfect Lucy! Soon you might be able to handle Natsu when hes in his Hyper dying will mode.

Natsu: As if!

Tsuhime: True i mean the new training I'm about to give you will make you more powerful~

Natsu: Wait a min-

Lucy: Thank you Tsuhime I'll be sure to do better!

Tsuhime: All I want you to do is be just you you're perfect the way you are already.

Lucy: Even Erza with her writing?

Tsuhime: Teaching her to write is impossible!

Natsu: You're telling me I somehow was able to read her writing...

Erza: Is it that bad!?

Tsuhime: Yes yes it is sweety but don't worry I'll keep on trying but probably fail...

Wendy: I don't see how hard it is I mean I learned how to write cursive because of mom.

Tsuhime: And read chapter books young lady.

Wendy: That too!

Gray: I'm more surprised we are able to get this strong in only 5 days I mean look at Laxus he's even training with us and starting to use his lightning flame more.

Natsu: Yeah but he can do better I would know I been fighting him...

Tsuhime: True he really does hate you huh?

Natsu: I mean I did beat him in that guild fight he made but honestly I won because I had help now he can't even lay a hit on me.

Tsuhime: That is true honestly I feel like I over trained you...

Natsu: No you did good I said I will do anything to become stronger so your training is really helping but knowing you there will be more I'm the future huh?

Tsuhime: If I had to suffer through that training so do you also speaking of training sorry Lucy for telling your zodiacs that we couldn't celebrate with them we have to make you guys stronger so we need all the days we can get.

Lucy: Its quite alright we are trying to get ready for the games after all we can't slack off.

Gray: Yeah and I can tell learning this dying will flame stuff will take a while to get use to it's an annoyance!

Tsuhime: What was that Gray~

Gray: Um Wait Tsuhime put the gun down please!

Tsuhime shot Gray with a dying will bullet for payback and as in her way of training Gray into using the flame.

Natsu: I'm glad I don't have to use those flames anymore...


Laxus: Gray got shot with another bullet?

Natsu: Yep never talk shit about the dying will flame.

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