Chapter 5: Magic Games

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After that little fight every guild went to their respected building with fairy tail being in the lead and they are planning on staying like that the whole game.

Natsu: Fairy tail is going to kick ass! And nice holding back on that fight Tsu.

Tsuhime: You notice I was holding back huh?

Natsu: Pretty easy to tell.

Erza: Wait Tsuhime how are you so used to that Gravity? Most of us would have been crushed under that!

Tsuhime: My friend Enma helped me with that my earth flame is able to control gravity but with a special effect of making black holes as well.

Natsu: And we still don't know where those things end up at.

Tsuhime: We atleast one and um has anyone seen Wendy I haven't seen her since the arena she said she was just going to check the shops.

Natsu: Huh now that you mention it I haven't seen her around either I'll go look for her you-

Lisanna: Its fine Natsu me and Happy will go look for her you stay here and watch your kid with Tsuhime alright.

Natsu: But-

Lisanna: That's an order!

Natsu: Alright jeez...

Tsuhime: Still being told off by your guildmates I see.

Natsu: Shush you.

Tsuhime: But we can't forget its Fairy Tail B with those 15 point Fairy Tail A still needs some points.

Gray: Dangit!

Lisanna: Um Tsuhime we found Wendy but...

Tsuhime: But what....

The group went to go check on Wendy she seemed find until they sensed her magic it was low there was hardly nothing.

Tsuhime: Wendy what happened to you sweety!?

Wendy: I honestly don't remember one moment I bought you something but than I just passed out I honestly dont know what happened...

Tsuhime: As long as you are ok sweety you had me worried that someone may have done something or worse!

Wendy: I'm ok mama I promise but I can't fight now...I'm drain out of magic...

Tsuhime: Sweety it's alright we will find someone else you just rest up Natsu go get Porlyusica and even force her to get here to make sure Wendy is healthy!

Natsu: Yes mam!

Tsuhime: I'm going to check on a certain guild.

Makarov: Who will that be?

Tsuhime: Raven Tail...

Makarov: Why would you search them?

Tsuhime: For one reason they've hated us for a while now even when you guys were stuck on the island they've sent people to attack us as well they even once kidnapped Igneel my own son they didn't make it far as Natsu sniffed them down and busted their face in.

Lucy: Wait I'm fighting one of them in a bit Tsuhime let me do this I know I can win this!

Tsuhime: Lucy...tch fine show them who's boss girl!

Lucy: Yes!

Tsuhime: And don't forget to use "that"

Lucy: Alright I'll do my best!

Natsu: Hun I brought Porlyusica.

Natsu did bring her but he literally brought her by force tied up and squirming around to be freed.

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