Chapter 10: The Rescue

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It's been a day since Lucy and Tsuhime been arrested sadly they still haven't broke out Lucy still too scared to go against the kingdom Tsuhime was getting a bit annoyed of that now she knew how the other felt when she didn't feel like fighting.

Tsuhime: Lucy come on it's a simple night flame teleport out of here and we are free!

Lucy: Tsu the games...if they found out we escaped instant disqualification!

Tsuhime: Damn you for being right...

(With Natsu)

Natsu: Hey Erza let's try to win these games quickly I want help my wife.

Erza: Natsu the plan we have to wait please I get you want to save her everyone does but we need to win this Sabertooth is second if they win this we will just be second is that really what you want?

Natsu: I want my wife Erza shes more important than anything but I'm doing this for her she wants us to win so for now let's win this game and if I got time I'm helping Byakuran...

The games have been going on for a bit with Natsu Erza Gray Gajeel and Laxus just standing in place not going for nobody Natsu hated this idea he knew he could easily win each fight but he stayed in place waiting for the moment to attack to calm down he meditated his Sky flames flying off him to keep him down it even kept his friends calm as well they were ready to fight as well but thanks to Natsu they kept their mind calm.

Gray: Hey flame brain is it Alright if I fight with those...

Natsu: If you are able to use them like Tsu taught you go for it everyone here only use your flame if you can if you aren't able to use it correctly use your magic only.

Gajeel: Welp I'm gunning people down today!

Laxus: Didn't think I'll use that weapon Welp let's see how I do.

Erza: I'll do my best with Tsuhimes weapon she instructed it with me.

Natsu: Alright good now just a couple of more minutes than we strike!

(With Byakuran)

The group were sneaking in with Byakuran easily getting them in they were in a hitman group for a reason stealth had to be the second option for them.

Emna: This is pretty easy you'd thing for a castle they would have better security like Byakuran here.

Byakuran: Guilty~

Fon: I don't know something seems really off.

Koyo: I found them!

Koyo was at the end of a hallway where they kept all the prisoners.

Tsuhime: My Heroes...

Byakuran: You can pretend you needed our help...

Emna: She didn't?

Tsuhime: Nightflames Enma~

Enma: Why didn't you escape than?

Tsuhime: Lucy...

Lucy: It will be going against the kingdom!

Byakuran: Well now that we are here think of it we are taking you by force and they can't do anything about it~

Tsuhime: So kidnapping...

Byakuran: You have a nice say of saying it?

Tsuhime: Nope~ now let's get out of here I need to see my baby boy!

Lucy: We're really doing this... Mavis have mercy on us...

(With Natsu)

Everyone began going in to attack Natsu just walking the street his being a becon for everyone who wanted to attack him and the one he will fight is Jura.

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