Chapter 15

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Another chapter :D  yaya!!! Im sorry I haven’t been updating… but hopefully a long chapter will help :D thanks for those still reading :D

Chapter 15

 3days, 14 hours, 25minutes and 25seconds to go, Lily thought to herself, I only have then (To the end of the year) to find the hidden chamber.

Lily walked out of the girl’s dorm and down the windy steps until she came to the empty common room. Fred and George were no longer in here, and everything looked the same as she had left it. She couldn’t help but enjoy these few minutes of silence as she glanced over a place she called home. And yet she couldn’t help but feel the uneasy feeling, knowing it wasn’t the home that she left. With all the problems with Draco, Harry, Ron and Hermione she felt like even though she was “home”, it wasn’t the home she remembered.

Despite this feeling she left the common room, and made her way to the only place that might hold some answers. The Library; a place filled with information and secrets.

After a vigorous journey through the moving staircases she arrived at the entrance of the Library. When she entered it was completely empty, except for the librarian who was quietly sorting through a large stack of books.

She raced out to the back where they kept the “Historical Wizardry Books”. They were all dusty and had an only, aged look to them.

Lily pulled the first book, “Hogwarts Houses- The Complete History” and began to flick through some pages. However she decided not stop there and she began to pull out a dozen more books, and lounged them towards a desk that was isolated in this section.

Sorting through each one, she began to read and prayed to find some answers.

Hogwarts founders Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin created the school for those talented in the art of magic. However while there were rivalries between some houses {in particular Gryffindor and Slytherin} the school has grown and enriched…”


“Useless”, Lily muttered to herself after reading the first book and changing to the next one.


“There is said secrets hidden by each house, some state that it was due to Salazar Slytherin parting from the combined group. There however has been no evidence to support this…


However each house is known to have a special object or talents based on the founders:

Hufflepuff is known for Helga’s golden cup

Slytherin is known for a lost locket of Salazar, as well as being able to speak parselmouth.

Ravenclaw is known for Rowena’s Diadem, which location is unknown.

Gryffindor has no known symbol other than Godric’s sword”.

“Ok”, Lily thought to herself, “So maybe each house has a secret. Slytherin has a chamber that can only be accessed by a parselmouth and some locket that seems to have no use; Gryffindor might have a chamber that can only be accessed by the locket… Ravenclaw has a diadem and Hufflepuff has a cup. Maybe each house has a chamber that can only be accessed by their object …”

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