chapter 3

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‘Are you ok?” this boy asked, “We’ve sent to get some help.”

“I fine I don’t need help”, lily said uneasily.

Lily could feel the blood dripping from her wounds and she started to feel sick. She became dizzier the longer she stood up and pain swept through her body. She took a step back but stumbled and collapsed. The last thing she remembered was the boy running over to her.

 (Back to the past)

Lily was tortured everyday. They seamed to not give up. When she fell asleep the tried to get her necklace but the have never succeeded in keeping it gold. Whenever they had their hands on it the gold shin would turn into stone.

 Some days they would forget about her and leave her to stave. Others they wouldn’t leave and made sure she felt pain every second. They called themselves the ‘death eaters”. They told her about every thing. About wizards, Hogwarts and who she was related to.

A man named ‘Dumbledore’ put her in the orphanage. Her mum died at birth and her father was murdered by a man, whose’ name is never said.............. ‘He-who-must-not-be–named’.

 The death eaters called him the dark lord and worshiped him but know that his powers have been destroyed and vanished by a boy called “Harry” they do not believe he has enough power.

 It was 2 years before Lily could believe that no one was looking for her. She tried to have hope but the more she tried the more she became disappointed. She knew she had to get out of this prison and there was only one-way to do that. She would have to teach herself the skills of magic...................

 (Back to the present)

 Lily woke up to the sound of a muffled conversation.  Her eyes opened and she looked around. She was in a room that looked like a hospital. There were two rows of six beds in the room and a large archway door at the end of the room that was ajar. The smell of medicine went up her nose. It only felt like hours since lily was in the forest. Her mind was fuzzy. All she could remember was her locket, then a lot of running and also a boy her age helping her.

 “It is impossible though Dumbledore’, came a muffled voice from archway door.

“Its only improbable not impossible’, answered another voice.

 Lily started to get up. Someone had changed her into a pair of pajamas and there was a white bandage around her waist. The archway door opened and what looked like a nurse came walking through as well as a man with a really long white beard.

 "What are you doing up?’ asked the nurse,” I gave you a cup of sleeping draught only an hour ago”.

The nurse looked slightly confused and put Lily back into her bed. Lily didn’t say anything. She felt awkward and wasn’t sure were she was. The man with the long beard came up to her and sat down next to her bead.

 “I am professor Dumbledore and I am the principle of Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry. And what is your name?” Professor Dumbledore asked.

“I don’t like to tell people my name”, Lily said.

“And why is that?” he asked.

“Because It has caused me enough trouble”, she said, “and Legilimency doesn’t work on me, just so you don’t waste too much effort”

 Dumbledore chuckled for a while and than continued with the conversation.

“Well trust is an important factor at Hogwarts”, he said, “It seems like you have quiet a bit if power in you. Would you like to study with us, at Hogwarts?”

 Lily stared at him for a while hopeing that no one would yell April fools or something. When nothing happened lily stared at him and answered, “Yes”.

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