chapter 10

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Finally I have gotten into and writing the next chapter!!!! Sorry that it’s been a while it’s just that I have been so busy and I have had writers block!!!!!!! Thanks for whoever is still reading =) it means a lot that you guys like my work

Thanks everyone and please enjoy (sorry if its not that great!)

Chapter 10

Lily walked out of the common room and headed off around the castle. Surprisingly no one followed her but she felt as if someone was watching her. A deep sickness floated in her stomach as she for the third time looked behind her.

“Is anyone there”, Lily asked but only silence was her answer. She kept walking but that feeling seemed to become stronger and stronger.

“Im serious. Whosever there better come out!” she stated but her words started to make her become even more afraid of whose there.

The next thing Lily remembered was her mind feeling like it was being ripped apart and a pair of blood red eyes..........

Harry’s P.O.V

No words could describe how sorry Harry felt for Lily. She had told her whole life story to them and she was right, it was no fairytale. But he still had a gut feeling that there was something more to the story and her golden locket. How did she apparate into Hogwarts after so many years Hermione has been telling him that it’s impossible for someone to.

Harry looked over to Ron and Hermione to see that they had the same upset looks on their faces. Hermione even looked like she was going to cry.

“Harry what have we done”, Hermione said in a soft sad whisper.

“I don’t know”, he replied but that was all her could say as a high-pitched scream echoed the common room.


Sorry for the short chapter but im starting small so I can get more inspiration!!!!

Thanks for reading and I plan on keeping on updating =) sorry for the wait and i promise i will update soon !!!!!!!

A/N hey just wanted to say that i have started another harry potter fan fiction so if you wanted to read it, it would mean alot to me but if you don't thats ok !!!! thanks for reading 

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