Chapter 11

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Lilly's P.O.V

Lily's body felt like it was on fire. She heard laughter surround her as she tried opening her eyes. The figures around her were blurred and looked like dark shadows. She screamed as the pain in her body started to increase.

Soon she could start to see again as her vision came back to her. She knew who the figures were. They wore masks that looked like skulls. There cloaks went above there heads into a point and ended right down to their toes. They were death eaters.

"Lily...... Lily....... lily.....", one of them started to talk as he paced around the room. His voice was familiar. It reminded her of someone She knew but he was her age and still at hogwarts.

"You thought you could escape from us", he said starting to get closer, "You thought Hogwarts was safe but you were wrong. No where is safe".

He came right up to her face so She could see the hatred piercing through his mask. She started to panic.

Where was Hogwarts? Lily looked around the room and saw things that She wished She would never see again. The room was as small as She remembered. There were chains around her wrists which were attached to the walls. She was back.

"Ha ha ha oh and don't worry about your friends there still safe in hogwarts..... Well at least for know", he laughed a venomous laugh.

"Don't you dare hurt them", she yelled trying to get up but was pushed down by the foot of one of the death eaters.

"Ha ha don't worry, lucky for you we could only get one person out of hogwarts but that will all change when you give us a locket", he grinned.

"I'll never give it to you", she said strongly.

"We will see about that.......... CRUCIO", he bellowed before lily felt pain spread through her body.

Harry's P.O.V

Everyone had searched everywhere for Lily but she was no where to be found. Harry was worried for her but there was nothing that he could do.

"I bet she is just trying to make a scene", lavender said loudly to everyone surrounding her, " she lied to everyone about who she was".

Harry rolled his eyes to what lavender said and gave her a dirty look but for some reason he had a feeling that she was telling the truth. Lily disappearance was coincidently close to when she told everyone about who she was.

Maybe lavander was right but deep down Harry hoped she was wrong.

A/N Bum bum bum :D well sorry that I haven't updated in..... Wel quiet a while but I did and I have a great idea for my story now :) there's still more drama to come :) hope you enjoyed and yeah :) thanks for still reading my story :) also sorry it's short I will try to write a longer chapter later :)

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