Chapter 16

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Hey guys its been a while... By a while I mean over a year and im sorry I haven't updated! The negatives of adulthood 😝 So heres chapter 16 finally! 😝 ill try and update more often now 😝 I have uni but who needs to do assessments anyway 😝

Chapter 16

Lily's heart paced as she raced through the castle. Despite all the old memories that the halls reminded her of, she was determined to discover if there was a Chamber of Gryffindor.

She had nothing to lose. No friends... no family... Not even a place truly to call home. But despite this she did have determination to finally uncover the truth of her heritage and discover what made her so special.

"Please be there", she muttered to herself as she raced down the last set of stairs into the Great Hall.

It was deserted. There were no candles floating from the sealing and even the school banners hanging from the walls looked dull and colourless. Despite it being the middle of the day even the hall was dark and isolated. Lily didn't care though. She raced passed the four long rows of tables, towards the back of the room without even a second glance of the room.

She pushed open the door to the trophy room and muttered 'lumos' to her wand. The room lit up, with the trophies sparkling from the light of her wand.

She stood in the room for hours. But she saw nothing.

She read over the names on the trophies, hoping to find a sign but they didn't reveal anything. She tried placing her locket on the golden items of the room but it had no reaction.

"What's even the point anymore", she spat as she fell to the ground with tears in her eyes, "Maybe there isn't anything special about me".

She rested her head in her hands. The room was silent except the sound of her tears hitting the stone floor. She was cold, exhausted and with the time ticking for the end of year she was almost ready to give up.

"Well you're more special than me if I do say myself", a man's voice muttered across the room breaking the silence.

Lily whipped her head up to find the source of the voice, only to see a ghostly figure hovering ahead of her.

"Nearly Headless Nic", she said in delight, "You're a ghost so I say you're somewhat special".

"Although I do prefer Sir. Nicholas, you do have a point there", he muttered himself while looking at his ghostly reflection in a trophy nearby, "Although I wouldn't count yourself out just yet my dear".

Lily looked at him with a confused glance, as he called her over to follow him. He led her to a small portrait next to one of the trophy cabinets. She knew this was one of Fred and George's secret exits from the castle.

Nearly headless Nic muttered to the portrait before it swung open for Lily.

"Hopefully you find what you're looking for", he said before tipping his head forward and floating away.

Despite being Utley confused on why Lily needed to go through the portrait she climbed through regardless. With her wand pointed high above her to illuminate the room, she slowly walked through the passageway.

The sides of the walls were cold and damp, and we're cave-like in appearance. She ran her hands across the surface of the side of one of the walls and felt its jiggered like appearance.

She was about to pull her hand away until she felt a smooth like surface on the tips of her fingers.

Lily brought her wand closer to the wall to see her fingers on a symbol on the wall. It was in a square shape but as she looked closer she could see an etching of the Gryffindor symbol in the middle of the square.

"It can't be", she whispered as she brought her locket towards the square.

When they touched, the square began lit up. Immediately it changed into gold, and spread across a meter of the wall revealing a golden door.

Lily had found it. She had found the Chamber of Gryffindor.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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