𝐂𝐇 • 𝟕

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As Y/n sat there, staring at Mina, her mind was racing with thoughts. How could she get to know Mina better?

How could she help her?

And more importantly, how could she make sure Mina never felt overwhelmed like this again?

She realized that she didn't know much about Mina beyond the surface. Sure, they had talked and hung out a few times, but there was so much she didn't know.

What were Mina's dreams,

her fears

her favorite things to do?

And most importantly...

what makes her happy?

Y/n made a mental note to try and spend more time with Mina, to really get to know her on a deeper level.

Maybe they could go for walks together, or study together, or even just hang out and talk.

She wanted to be there for Mina, to support her and make her feel safe.

But then a wave of doubt washed over Y/n.

What if Mina didn't want her around?

What if she pushed her away like she had done before?

What if Y/n was just making things worse by trying to help?

"Could you please stop staring at me?" Mina's voice cut through the quiet, piercing Y/n's thoughts. Her tone remained cool, her expression unreadable as she kept her eyes closed.

Y/n felt a jolt of surprise at the sudden interruption. She blinked, trying to collect herself as she registered Mina's words.

"Oh! uh- y-yeah..sure" she managed to respond, her voice awkward and uncertain.

Feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up her neck, Y/n attempted to avert her gaze, but her eyes kept flickering back to Mina, drawn by an inexplicable pull.

"Uhm Sorry" she muttered, her words trailing off into the silence as she struggled to find something more to say.

As Mina opened her eyes and began to sit up, Y/n's hand shot out almost instinctively, as if to catch her.

The sudden movement surprised even Y/n herself, and she froze, her fingers hovering in midair, just inches from Mina's shoulder.

Mina's eyes widened imperceptibly, her expression remaining stoic, but a flicker of surprise flashed in her eyes.

She maintained her poker face, though her heart began to race with uncertainty at Y/n's unexpected gesture.

Mina instinctively pushed Y/n away, her voice firm and cold.

"Don't touch me!" she stated bluntly, her eyes narrowing slightly as she distanced herself from Y/n.

Y/n recoiled slightly, hurt and confusion flickering in her eyes as she withdrew her hand.

"I-I'm sorry" she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't mean to—" She stopped herself, realizing that her words were falling on deaf ears.

Mina turned away, her expression unreadable as she focused on steadying her breathing.

Despite her outward composure, her heart continued to race, the sensation in her chest lingering uncomfortably.

𝑺𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝑴𝒆 | Myoui MinaWhere stories live. Discover now