Chapter 34

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The ringing sound of a golden bell being hit could be heard all over town. The villagers had gathered at the main square in the middle of the town. They knew exactly what was going to happen.

A death sentence.

The crowd was chaotic, people were pushing each other only for them to get the best view. Older people, teens, adults and even the children were there. The Order of the Twelve Knights were standing around the sides of a carpet which was rolled out on the wooden rig. Swords with the point down to the ground, all the knights had their hands folded on top of the handle of their swords, with straightened backs and a stern look on their faces they were anticipating the coming event.

The royal guards were down where the villagers were, keeping them on a distance to the rig. Shouts came from the crowd, most excited and full of justice.

Something like this didn't happen often, but when it did occur, the people were sure the King and Queen did it for the good of their own people, hence the excitement. In a few minutes they would be protected from future danger.

A thing they didn't know was that the happening was only to protect the royalty's pride, and nothing more.

"Today," Jaehyun began, asking for silent air to cover the square. "Today, a threat will be taken away from us. A threat that caused many of us to be frightened of losing our lives. A monster who interrupted one of our beloved feasts, where children, adults and elderly come together. A boy who misled the prince and betrayed every one of you."

Saying what he was told by the King, Jaehyun finished his speech.

"Today we shall rid ourselves from Na Jaemin."


The bell.

Jeno shot up from his lying position. He shot up from the sound of terror, the sound of a death sentence, he looked up to the clock hanging from the wall.

The prince ran to the garden, where he was stopped by guards before he could set a step on the pebbles, roughly he pushed them away. Anger and adrenaline ran through his veins as he passed the guards, his feet brought him to his dragon, the ruby red scales glistened in the sunlight.

It had been a while since he took off with his dragon, but in a situation like this one, he didn't hesitate and got on its back immediately. Jeno took his reins, hoping he wasn't too late when he would arrive.


"Please bring the executed forwards." Jaehyun requested. The King and Queen, Donghyuck's parents, even the wolves which attended the event, saw the scene unfold. They felt helpless as they couldn't do anything but watch the painful sight.

Mark and Lucas brought the doomed one forward, his hands were tied on his back and a blindfold kept him from seeing anything. Jaemin got pushed to the ground until he sat on his knees.

His blindfold got taken from his eyes, revealing the crowd which was waiting for his final seconds. He scanned the crowd.

Donghyuck's parents stood in the middle of the mass, the man and woman which were once his parents.

The wolves, the ones who took him in after being rejected from his home, were there. Taeyong and Johnny tried to keep Jisung with them as he saw the youngest of them struggle to get out of their grip. Yuta however wasn't there.

Men and women were there to witness a crime unfold. The murder of an innocent, because, now that there was no evil in him anymore, Jaemin was nothing more than an innocent.


"... shall rid ourselves from Na Jaemin. Please bring the executed forward." Jeno got the dragon to land in the forest, from there he ran to the middle of the town. When he got to the scene, he halted in his steps.

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