Chapter 20

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Mark was sitting at a table with a glass filled with the yellow liquid, called Amber's gin, in front of him. He tapped his fingers on the glass nervously, it felt like he was waiting for half an hour already, Mark wasn't sure if Donghyuck was usually this last, or if he stood him up . Mark was about to stand up and leave the café, when Donghyuck entered through the door.

His hair was messy because of the wind and he was clearly annoyed by it. He ran his fingers through his light brown locks, hoping they would return to the state Donghyuck had been trying to force them prior.

When Donghyuck was content with his hair again, although he couldn't check it, he scanned the café looking for Mark.

The older boy had sat back down when he saw Donghyuck rush inside the café. Donghyuck was still searching for him hopelessly, Mark decided to put him out of his misery and waved his arm.

Donghyuck finally spotted Mark, he was sitting all the way at the back, no wonder he couldn't find him. He quickly walked over and sat down in front of the other.

A waitress arrived at the table and took Donghyuck's order, soon placing a glass of gin in front of him.

"I'm sorry, I'm late," Donghyuck apologized. "But my hair really has a life of its own." Donghyuck laughed nervously, he couldn't believe he was on a date with Mark. He fidgeted with his fingers due to his nerves.

"It's okay," Mark smiled, trying to take some of his nervousness away. "How was your day?"

Donghyuck took a sip of his drink but happened to choke on it. Was he going to tell him the truth?

"Honestly, I was preparing for tonight the entire day," Donghyuck confessed, and he didn't exaggerate. He had spent all morning trying on new outfits, but in the end he decided to just go with what he felt most comfortable in. A white blouse, brown trousers and suspenders to top his outfit off.

The afternoon he had spent doing his hair, but when he finally had it the way he wanted, the weather decided to ruin all his effort.

Then after dinner he went over the many times he and Jaemin practised his social skills together. He had prepared different topics to talk about, but when he saw Mark, his mind deleted everything in a split second.

"Really? You shouldn't worry about your appearance. I prefer you with your hair down anyway." Mark reached forward and ruffled Donghyuck's hair, making the strands point downwards instead of their previous state, which was up. Mark couldn't believe he actually had the courage to make such a bold move, he didn't even know where the confidence had come from.

When he realized what he had done, he said sorry almost as quickly as his hand shot out to play with Donghyuck's hair. "Oh, I'm sorry, I just..."

Now it was Donghyuck's turn to smile. "It's okay."

Although it was quite crowded in the café, a silence hung over the table. Until Mark decided to break it. "So... Donghyuck, tell me about yourself, I'm sorry I only talked about Jaemin to you last time. But now... tell me about you."

And so he did.

Him and Donghyuck talked about everything and anything. From the embarrassing childhood stories to a story about Mark's latest trip to the forest.

The time was ticking away and they downed their drinks one after another.

Mark looked outside the dirty window and looked at the position of the moon.

"It's already past midnight, let's call it a night, shall we?" Mark suggested. Donghyuck has his elbows on the table and rested his head on top of his hands. Needless to say, Donghyuck was wasted.

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