Chapter 11

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"Jaemin where is my blouse?" Donghyuck asked, pulling every article of clothing he owned from his drawers. Jaemin was standing in the bathroom, already clad his outfit for the festival, a pair of brown trousers and a white blouse.

"I don't know, did you check the washing line?" Jaemin asked. He knew Donghyuck would never make the effort to actually go outside where their mom would dry their clothes.

"I know you don't expect me to, but I actually did,"Jaemin's eyes widened in surprise, he was actually impressed by Donghyuck's will to find his blouse. "I only found this one but it was way too big for me..." Then Donghyuck realized something, why didn't he think of this earlier.

"Jaemin what size are you wearing?" Donghyuck asked when he walked over to the bathroom, when he saw the blouse wasn't tucked into his pants, Donghyuck suspected him even more now.

"Size two I think. Why?" Jaemin asked while turning around, then he was met with Donghyuck's eyes only a few inches apart from his.

"Let me check."

Donghyuck stretched his arm and tried to get a grip at Jaemin's collar. Jaemin however, moved away dodging Donghyuck's attempt to get a look at the tag with the size on it.

"No," Jaemin refused, running out of their bathroom and jumped on his bed, landing on his back with his legs in the air. "Lee Donghyuck, get away from me."

Donghyuck tried to grab the shirt he was wearing and by the way his brother was reacting, it was certainly not his shirt. Jaemin's legs were pushing Donghyuck away every time he tried to get closer to him.

"Give me my shirt back you little-" Donghyuck almost cursed but then their mother entered the room.

"Boys what is all this commotion about?" Their mother asked gently as she stood in the doorway with her arms crossed.

"This dipshit stole my shirt!" Donghyuck clarified, Jaemin got distracted by his mother interfering with the argument with Donghyuck and let his guard down just the slightest bit. Donghyuck didn't waste a second and finally gripped the back of Jaemin's shirt.

"Size one! See mom, he stole my blouse and he even lied about it." Donghyuck said so that he didn't get scolded but Jaemin instead.

"Jaemin, why did you take his shirt?" His mother asked, still keeping the gentle tone in her voice as she eyed the taller boy who was still laying in a very uncomfortable pose on the bed.

"I was too lazy to walk over to the washing line." Jaemin confessed. Seungwan gasped.

"Oh my, Jaemin you really spent too much time with Donghyuck these years, you even start acting like him," Their mom teased. "But Donghyuck got your shirt from the line, why don't you boys swap shirts so you both get to wear the right shirt?"

Donghyuck walked over to his mom and mimicked her position, mocking Jaemin even more.

"I've warmed this one..." Jaemin mumbled, before pulling the shirt over his head with a pout. He took the other blouse, which was actually his, from Donghyuck's hand and slipped it on, shivering as he felt the cool fabric on his skin.

After wearing their according clothes and styling their hair like they did everyday, the family made their way to the center of the village, where the Queen would be giving her speech like usual.

She announced her sister visiting next month, the results of their yearly check up on the friendly animals in the forest and lastly she addressed the dragon Jeno had tamed. And right on cue, the ruby red creature flew over the citizens heads showing off his beautiful wings and tail. A loud applause erupted from the crowd when the news of their prince owning his very own dragon reached their ears.

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