Chapter 26

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"Jeno! You are going to be a king in a few weeks!" Jeno knew better than interrupting his mother, he kept quiet even though he wanted to defend himself. "This is not what a king's behavior should be!" His mother scolded.

"You don't even know everything mother." Jeno finally spoke after his mother finished barking at him. "Let me explain and then you can form your opinion on the situation," Jeno said formally as he lifted himself from his chair with his hands on the wooden table.

"A brilliant wizard is dead because of your stupidity. I'm ashamed to even call you my son." His mother said getting up from her chair herself, she wouldn't let Jeno tower over her. Her disgusting murdering son.

"It wasn't in my plan. I never thought this would happen." Jeno looked to the side in shame. His guilt and sadness made him feel mixed emotions. His mother was right, he won't be a good king. But then again, he didn't even want to be one in the first place.

"What was your plan? Huh? Why did this happen? I just don't understand what went on behind our backs." Mark interfered. Jeno could see how much Mark was getting worked over what happened. It looked as if he was keeping his tears in, as if he could break down any moment.

Jeno sighed before sitting back down.

"I knew something was wrong with Jaemin after everything that happened, at the feast I mean. But I never knew what exactly, I just hoped that training him to control himself would help him be normal, but it just seemed to get worse as time passed by," Jeno started explaining to his parents, Mark and Jaehyun.

"You wanted to train him?! Lee Jeno are you out of your mind?! Why did you think you could 'train' him if he's just a peasant who is capable of committing crimes like these?!" His mother yelled at him.

"Donghyuck told me that Jaemin was an infervamp, but only half. He still had a human part inside of him." Everyone's eyes widen in shock. It was quite something to hear. Something no one would've thought could happen.

"It makes sense. Is this why his hair is weird? Is it also the reason his eyes were bright red the first night he lost control?" Mark asked. It felt as if the puzzle pieces clicked all of a sudden. Although he was still furious about what happened, it seemed like he got a better grip on the situation.

"Yes. He also has scars on his body from when the infersoul inside of him starting to take control. The headaches he had were also by the infersoul trying to transform him into a full infervamp," Jeno explained.

His parents couldn't say anything, they were too shocked to do so. Jeno looked at every person in the room. "Jaemin stayed strong, he fought back!"

"The border... the place where it was weakening was close to Donghyuck's house. Jaemin used to live there and always roamed around in the forest. He probably always used the same path to go in the forest. The infervamp part of him damaged the border." Mark realized as he got up and grabbed his coat.

He striding out of the door and Jeno grabbed his wrist to stop him. Mark looked at him in the eyes, but he looked completely enraged.

"Where are you going?"

"Jaemin needs to be killed. Donghyuck died because of him. We can't let more people die," Mark said as he snatched his hand away from Jeno's hold. He opened the door and was about to go out. He needed to get revenge for Donghyuck. He needed to avenge Donghyuck's death.

"Wait, Mark. Let Jeno explain himself before we do anything, anything stupid." Jaehyun ordered. Mark groaned annoyance as he sat back down. He didn't want to listen anymore. He didn't want to listen to this bullshit coming from Jeno.

"Jaemin is cured now." Mark huffed. "I stabbed him with a magic dagger, which made the infersoul leave his body. The thing is, Donghyuck was here with me because he forged and enchanted the dagger for me and when I told him Jaemin flinched..." Jeno stopped talking for a few seconds, remembering the terrible scene.

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